Chapter three

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Okay this is chapter three :) mainly Ziam but a bit Nosh and Larry :)


Chapter three

[Liam’s P.O.V.]

When I was home I heard the TV. Zayn is home and is probably waiting for me. Hopefully we can turn this evening into a peaceful one. But after I thought that yesterday too I am not so sure about it anymore.

While I put my shoes and my jacket off and into the wardrobe I thought of Harry. After I found out that I was actually attracted to a guy I was pretty shocked and told Harry that he has to let the feelings come to him because denying makes it harder. We had a full conversation about his feelings. He came to the conclusion that he should wait. Maybe it was just an illusion which I doubt. But Harry is Harry. He has his own mind and his own way to make things work somehow. I hope he knows what he is gotten himself into.

“Liam, babe?” Zayn asked from the living room. “I’m home.” I responded happily. I heard something shuffle on the ground when he appeared in the doorframe. He smiled at me and walked towards me reaching out his hands to grab my waist and spinning me in his arms. I slung my arms around his neck surprised by our movements. “Zayn-” He shut me up by pressing his mouth on mine.

“I love you, Liam.” My heart melted at his words and my chest tightened. It never happened that often that he comes up with this so suddenly. My throat became a bit dry and my eyes began to water. No, Liam, don’t cry in front of him. It might make him angry.

“I love you too.” I whispered against his lips while his hands were in my hair gripping them softly.

He pulled back and intertwined my hand with his while leading me into the living room. We sat down and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him. There was a film but we didn’t really paid attention. I just lay in his arms while he told me about his day. I love listening to him.

He told me that Louis’ class is really cool and they played along to everything and that Louis seems like an idol to a lot of pupils. He is so proud of what he did today like every day he come home from his job.

“What about you?” He asked. I think I actually was able to catch a good day because it doesn’t happen so often that he asked me that.

“Erm… you know there wasn’t any big happenings. Just little kids fighting. Oh there was Ben. He somehow reminded me a bit of you.” I chuckled. Ben could be really Zayn just in small.

He pulled his head away from the top of mine and looked at me with warning eyes. Shit, what did I wrong?

“I mean… Like… You know he somehow is just like you a bit.”

“What do you mean?” No he completely abandoned his hands from my torso and I felt cold and alone again.

“Well just like he… he wanted to have control over everything.” I saw his furious eyes. Why can’t I just shut up?

“But that is cute and I love that about you. I love you.” I added reaching my hand out to cup his cheek but he slapped it away.

“So you say that I am an asshole who wants to control every one’s life?”  He said with an angry voice.


“Yes, you said that. So if I really want to control you then I would steal your mobile phone and have a look at your messages and I would do a lot more things. I never did something like that. Did I?”

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