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Okay... I am not sad... :( Last post of this story.

This is the epilogue because I couldn't resist because I just need more fluff ;) Yeah I know there is no prologue but that doesn't matter :P

Dedication: Because you made my day with every single comment you made and I just love you so much for that so thank you!!!! Hope you like the last chapter! <3

Okay, enjoy :)


(a year and a half later)

[Louis and Harry]

It’s been a year and a half and Louis and Harry were… good. Pretty good to be honest. Well when Louis finally did transfer it was easier for both of them but still, Louis wasn’t allowed to do this whole thing with Harry because he was younger and a student, also if Harry wasn’t his student, he still was one. Yet he couldn’t resist. But who could? Harry wouldn’t let him either.

Whenever Louis or Harry showed any kind of doubt both would kiss each other better. It worked somehow. Also in this year and a half Louis brought Harry to his mother and his sisters which was kind of weird because half of his sisters were older than Harry.

But his mum loves Harry. She was happy that her son found someone he was more than okay with. His sisters would watch funny videos on YouTube with Harry and look through magazines because Louis was ‘too old’.

In this year and a half Louis learned that the ten years between them, Louis being 27 and Harry almost 17 wasn’t that much of an issue because they made each other happy. Also Louis saved money for a few years then and after the first year of being with Harry he made a decision.

He knew that this thing with Harry would last a bit longer, or so he hopes, that he bought this house at the edge of town still close to Harry’s and Louis’ old school. At that time Harry just had to finish his last semester there.

Also at that point there were really happy because it’s been a year they have been together. They celebrated it in peace just the both of them with Gary. They went to a restaurant and then home. It was nice and enough for them to say that they were happy, still are.

Along the evening they talked about a lot. They talked about how they met and what they thought about each other at first; talked about how beautiful the person in front of them is (“No, your nose is cuter than mine”); and they talked about how it doesn’t matter that there was such an age difference. They figured out that they somehow belong to each other and the love they share is unique and one to definitely keep up.

“I am a bit tipsy right now, Harry and please don’t take advantage of that but I allow you if you want, um, but just, um… You keep distracting me if you are so close to my ear but let me say that, um… I love you and not just the I love you I always say because it is a ‘I love you’ like I mean I am in love with you. So much that I don’t have the words for it. And I want to take you to bed to show you because you have this chest that I need to touch and… you know just your skin is made to be touched by my mouth… Look what your lips on my earlobe make with me… all the cheesy stuff.” Were the last kind of complete sentences from Louis before the evening ended in bed.

So then along the other half of a year Harry’s father called Harry. Well not his father himself, it was more the prison telling Harry that his father went to jail for a fight and drug abuse. He didn’t hear from his mother though but it all doesn’t matter. The problem with his father wasn’t that big, too because Louis was there. Louis was always there helping him. And also the week Harry spent crying over his broken family, Louis cheered him up every day then but the next day Harry would start again. The crying and sobbing stopped when on the seventh day Louis hugged Harry so hard, grabbed his face and told him that he is his family now. Harry hugged back and was silent for the rest of the night just lying in Louis’ arm and stroking his chest.

Love is difficult- Ziam / Larry / NoshWhere stories live. Discover now