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I walked into school, I decided to come later since I didn't fancy being alone at school.

I walked straight past "the vamps" nervously. They did nothing but stare as I walked up to Calum and Luke.

They greeted me and I nodded silently.

"You're really late today," Calum told me. "You're usually here before us."

I shrugged.

"Okay then well let's go." Luke smiled as we walked to first lesson.

I hadn't been bothered by those boys all day, but of course that was because I wasn't alone.

But I had biology class last.

I stepped inside and sat in the very front seat, so hopefully the teacher would see if the gang decided to mess with me.

And boy did they.

I just kept hearing insults being whispered around from behind me. I had a few paper balls hit me and one landed on my desk, so I decided to flatten it out on the desk, and scrawled across it was messy handwriting.

I hope you had a nice time off school, because you're about to go through hell.

I gulped and let my eyebrows furrow. I hated how there was no one here to help me. Like I felt that people in the room knew what was going on but did nothing because they didn't wanna be on the receiving end of the gang's punches.

The bell rang for the end of the day and I scuttled out the room quickly, but I heard footsteps behind me from the group. They were laughing evilly.

I picked up my pace and turned a corner, smashing straight into someone.
I gasped loudly, my panic overtaking me.

"Shh, Michael it's okay." He said. I darted my eyes up and recognised Calum.
"What's wrong?" He asked and it was then that the group came round the corner. They stopped in their tracks and stared at us.

"Calum." The one with brown curly hair greeted.

"Boys." Calum spat. "Going somewhere? You seem to be in a hurry."

"Nowhere in particular," the one with the nose piercing smirked, eyeing me.

I looked down, feeling myself start to shake.

"We'll be off then," Calum glared as he grabbed my hand and lead me out the doors.

I couldn't stop my shaking anymore as I felt my panic attack coming along.

"They were chasing you weren't they?" He huffed and I nodded, sniffling uncontrollably.

"This is ridiculous I have to talk to them," he sighed angrily.

"N-no, no!" I cried.

"You can't just deal with that!" He argued.

I began to sob and sooner or later I heard a voice above the steps we were sat on.


I recognised it well. I guess it was time to shut up.

But I continued to bury my face in my sleeves.

"What happened?" Luke questioned as he sat beside me.

"I don't know." Calum lied so smoothly it scared me. "I gotta go though, see you around though." He smiled sadly and left.

I continued to hiccup, letting hot tears streak my face.

"You wanna come to my house?" He asked me and I looked at him nervously.

Did I want to ? I wasn't sure.

In the end I shook my head and couldn't help but notice the flash of disappointment on his face but he quickly covered it with a false smile.

"It's alright, come on I'll walk you home." He told me and so we did walk home, the only sound being whatever played out his phone speakers.

Eventually we reached my door and he smiled softly at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he muttered and I nodded, entering my house as he walked back down the street to his.

I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with me. Who was I kidding? Of course there was.

Long time no see. :) good news I'm better!!!?!?!!
So I will be updating my other stories tomorrow and I already have the next chapter of this planned.

Much productive.

I love you guys and also I wanna say I wanna make some friends online so my kik is AllTimeRihannon :) ily x

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