~thirty one~

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It killed me that Michael couldn't be mine, even though lately he'd almost been hinting towards that sort of thing. I didn't want to pressure him into expressing any feelings yet, for now I'd just do what he asked me.

He stirred next to me and when his eyes opened he began to panic and struggle for breath. I gasped and placed my hands on his shoulders, making him look at me.

"It's okay." I told him. "You're safe it's okay."

Tears filled his eyes as he calmed down for the next few minutes.
Once he was breathing normally again he looked up at me, sniffling a little.

"I...I'm sorry." He whimpered.

"Don't be Mikey." I said softly. "It's alright. Are you alright now?"

"Uh huh." He nodded quietly.

"Good then let's get some breakfast yeah?" I suggested and we got up, having plenty of time before school started.

I made him some toast and we ate it as I blasted All Time Low from the stereo. Mum wasn't here obviously.

"What time is it?" Michael asked in a small voice.

"7:10." I replied before taking another bite of my breakfast.

He nodded and told me he was going to get changed and left.

He returned with a soft smile and said he'd be watching tv if I needed him.

When I returned back downstairs after getting ready I saw michael curled up on the couch, snoring softly.

Damn, I couldn't let this boy go to school after last night he was way too tired. I faked a call in sick for both of us and walked back to him. I didn't care if my mum raged later.

I sat on the other end of the couch, glancing away from the to every now and then to check Mikey hadn't woken.
He looked adorable when he slept. I couldn't help thinking that way about him.

About an hour passed before Michael began to shuffle a little, squinting his eyes. He stretched and yawned.

"Hi." I waved.

"We have to be at school." He croaked.

"You're tired okay? I already rang in sick."

"I don't wanna let my mum down," he frowned.

"You're not." I replied, scooting over to him.

He sighed, flopping down on me a little, his head lying on my legs.

"M'sorry." He mumbled.
"Don't mention it, let's just chill here alright?" I asked and he smiled.

We watched movies all day, Michael didn't say much but he didn't have to.

I lost track of time as my mum came back, looking at Michael nervously.
"Hello Michael."

He waved a little. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Hey mike why don't you go upstairs and I'll start dinner?" I suggested and he stood up, leaving.

"So Michaels staying for dinner huh?" She asked.

"Can Michael stay tonight too please?" I plead. "He argued with his mum."

My mum gave a sympathetic smile as she nodded. "Okay. I'll order Chinese for you boys. Go on." She sighed and I thanked her before leaving.

I found Michael cuddling a teddy close to his chest. I smiled a little, creeping up behind him.

"Who's that?" I asked making him jump.

"Stop." He whined and pushed me away. "This is Daniel." He whispered.

"Oh he's cute." I said as I sat opposite him. "Why do you have him?"

"He makes me feel better." He nuzzled his face into the fur.

"Thought I did that." I winked.

"You do. Daniels been here longer." He giggled.

"Okay Mikey," I sighed. "Okay."


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