Chapter 19

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How can I love when I'm afraid?

I hesitate for a moment. I do start to have affection for him but it had just been months since I know him well again. I don't know if I am ready.

He was staring at me, patiently waiting for my answer. I couldn't resist to look at his eye but I have to say it.

"I... I'm sorry..." I said and ran away as fast as possible.

I ran towards the balcony of the house. The cool breeze of the night welcomed me. But it doesn't seem to stop my tears.

"Christine." A voice behind me says and I turned to look who it was.

It is Hugo.

I look down on the floor, doesn't have the face to see him.

"Why did you say no? Don't you love me?" He said and in his voice, I could hear sadness.

"It just that I don't know that if I am ready. Everything.... seems to happen in a flash and I need time Hugo."

Then, my tears dropped more.

He walked towards me, his warm welcoming hand touched me. The touch, is familiar. It feels like home.

"I know. And, I thought about that when I decided to propose to you. But, you do remember some memories of us do you? And... these past months, aren't they all memories?" He asked.

"Sweet memories." I said and he hugged me in to his embrace.

I whimpered at his embrace and he pat me lightly at my back.

"Time. Time is the only killer now. And, we'll face this together. Just don't dwell on that. Please, marry me." He said and I just don't know what to do.

What he said was right. Time is our only prevention now and we can face this together.

I escaped his embrace and wiped my tears with my hands. Then, I looked up at him.

"I... do." I said and he carried me, turning me around the air as if I am flying. All I can hear now was laughter. The laughter of the both of us. The laughter in the cool breezy night. Under the moon, he proposed to me and presented me the engagement ring.

"I love you." He said and kissed me on the lip. His warm, soft lip.

"So this is the present they are talking about." I said and he laughs.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it." "By the way, how do you get dad to be in the video?" I asked and he smiles.

"I've been in Shanghai for the past weeks for work and I went to look for your dad to persuade him to give me the extrodinary honour to marry you."

So... tricky.

"Lets get back before they start to wonder where we have been." Hugo said before I could say anything and we leave the balcony.

We Re-entered the ball room and the crowds are shocked to see us holding hands, coming back together. Then, there it was, kamila running towards us.

"So... did she say yes?" Kamila asked excitedly and before Hugo could say anything, I raised up my hand to let her see the engagement ring.

"Oh my god. Henry!!! She said yes!" Kamila shouted and it was so loud, every person in the room could hear what she said.

All of them starts to clap and say congratulations to us.

The day of our wedding begins and we are going to have two has been five months since he proposed. We wanted our first wedding to be simple. So, we planned to have it by the beach. Simple, sweet, romantic. While our second wedding in Shanghai.

I am wearing a ball gown wedding dress for the first day and I am already preparing. Kamila is my bridesmaid now and she could not stop getting so excited.

"I'm so happy you agreed! Wee!!!" She squeak and it's kinda getting annoying now.

"You've been repeating for the upteenth time. Please stop!" I said and she breaks down giggling.

"I'm sorry but I'm just too excited, Mrs Hugo." Then, she quickly escape the room.

Cheeky Kamila.

Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted and the door opened. It was dad.

"You look beautiful chris." He said and hugged me. After today, I will be Mrs Hugo but not miss koh.

"Thanks dad." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Just coming in to check how's my daughter doing." He said and laughs.

This is the first time I hear him laugh so happily.

"By the way, why do you allow Hugo to propose to me?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

"I thought that you like him. And, I quite like him. He will be a good husband." He said and then leaves the room.

Typical dad.

The wedding is going to begin and I looked myself at the mirror. I can't believe I'm soon going to be Mrs Hugo after so many things happenned.

I stood at the end of the white carpet. Dad had me in his arms and I'm holding a bouquet of white dasies. The wedding March soon played and I walked down the aisle.

"Don't let me fall dad." I said. I was too nervous.

"Never in my life I would let that happen."

When I walked down the aisle of the cool, breezy beach, I spotted Hugo. He's standing there, in front of the priest.

Soon, it's time for dad to let me go. I could see tears in his eyes and mine too.

"Don't cry dad." I laughed and he smiles, kissing me on the cheek before he hand me over to Hugo.

Now, my cold and clammy hands are on Hugo's warm and soft hands. Once, he felt my hands he smirked.

"Nervous as always."

Before I could say anything, the priest speaks.

"Ladies and gentleman. We are all gathered here in this special occasion to witness the marriage of Hugo and Christine. Please repeat after me." The priest said and Hugo speaks.

"I, Hugo take you Christine Koh as my beloved wife, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer. As long as we both shall love. I do."

His words touched me and I'm think I'm going to cry again. I repeated the almost same thing as what he said and than the priest speaks again.

"You may now kiss the bride."

He kissed me lightly on the lip and everyone applauded. Then, it's time for the party before we take our plane to Shanghai.

The first thing you know is Kamila running towards you.

"Christine!!! You did great! I feel happy for the both of you. Congrats you two love birds!" She squeeked and gave me a tight hug.

"Spare her life. You are hugging her too tightly." Hugo laughs and she let go.

"Oops. I'm sorry. See you at the airport!" She giggled and ran towards Henry.

I glance at Hugo and he was laughing with a cup of champagne in his hands.

"Don't mind her. She is always that crazy." He said and kissed me again on the lip.

"You're finally mine."

Tears of the raindrop: remembering yearsWhere stories live. Discover now