Cowboy Love Pt2/Ambreigns

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 If you told Roman Reigns a month ago, he would find love at a dude ranch of all places, he would have laughed and called you crazy! But after his best, and business partner Seth Rollins brought him to a dude ranch for a surprise vacation. That's where he met the man he fell hard for Dean Ambrose, one of the cowboys that lived there. Dean was a true cowboy in every sense of the word! Dean though hated people from the city who came to their ranch to be weekend cowboys, who he called Cityslickers! Dean refused to have any kind of contact with Roman or Seth the whole time they were at the ranch, but Roman refused to give up! Finally Roman got Dean to go on a horseback ride with him, on that ride Dean ended up hurt after falling off his horse, and at the hospital they both finally confessed their feelings and kissed.

 They became a couple and Dean even became friends with Seth. Three days after Dean was released from the hospital it was time for Roman and Seth to return home. Neither wanted to leave, but had no choice, so Roman tried to convince Dean to come with them and spend a couple weeks in the city. Dean refused, but promised to call every day and Roman and Seth left. A week after they left Dean missed them; especially Roman, and since his leg was broken and he wasn't able to do his work around the ranch, he decided to surprise them by going to the city. He packed a bag and told Dolph where he was going, before he got into his truck and drove off.

 Dean arrived in the city and immediately got lost. He stopped and got directions. He finally found the office building, and got out, he was amazed at the size and went inside. He went to the secertary and asked for Roman and Seth. He told her he'd find them himself after she refused to help, before he walked away with her following trying to stop him. The entire office starred at him because of the way he was dressed. He finally found their office and knocked before going in. Roman and Seth were busy with clients and were surprised to see him.

 "Dean?" Roman said, as he stood and went to Dean and hugged him, before Seth hugged him.

 "Hey baby boy, hey Seth!" Dean greeted them smiling.

 "What are you doing here?" Roman asked smiling.

 "Surprise! I came here for a little vacation!" Dean answered happily.

 "It's great to see you cowboy, but we're at work!" Roman said.

 "Roman, why don't you go talk to Dean, while I finish up with our clients!" Seth suggested.

 Roman took Dean to another room and kissed him, before he suggested Dean go to Roman's place to get settled and wait for them. At first Dean said he'd wait, but Roman told him he'd be more comfortable at his place, and after work the three of them would do whatever Dean wanted. So, Dean agreed and took Roman's keys and left.

**Days Later**:

 As the days passed Dean struggled to adjust to being in the city. He loved being with Roman and Seth, but now that they were in the city, Roman seemed different. Whenever they went out Roman always drove, he never let Dean pay for anything; which bugged Dean, but he said nothing. Then Roman started buying Dean new clothes that weren't his style, they were more city and Dean hated that too! He began to feel like Roman was embarrassed by him and that hurt. Roman was oblivious to Dean's unhappiness and hurt, he was so wrapped up in having Dean with him, but Seth noticed and knew if he didn't stop Roman something bad was going to happen!

 One day Roman and Seth returned to Roman's house after work to find Dean dressed in his regular clothes; complete with his cowboy hat, sitting on the couch.

 "Hey babe, why aren't you wearing the clothes I bought you?" Roman asked.

 "Ro, are you embarrassed of me?" Dean asked seriously, as he stood.

 "No, of course not! Why would you think that?"

 "Ever since I got here besides Seth, I haven't met any of your friends or the people you work with! You won't let me drive my truck, or pay for anything! And you've bought me all these new clothes!" Dean stated.

 "Besides Seth, I don't have any other friends! I haven't taken you to the office because I thought you'd find it boring!" Roman said in his defense.

 "Boring? Oh, that's right, I'm just a stupid cowboy! Too stupid to understand what your job is! So, why the new clothes huh?" Dean demanded.

 "I thought you'd be more at home if you..."

 "Looked more like you?" Dean asked.

 "Yes! What's wrong with that?" Roman asked.

 "What's wrong Roman, is the fact that you're trying to change me! This is who I' am, and I'm not going to change! Being here made me realize that I'll never fit into your Cityslicker world! I care a lot about you Ro, but this...we were a mistake!" Dean said upset, as he got up and hugged Seth, before he picked up his bag and walked to the door. "I never tried to change you! Goodbye Ro!" He said, before he left.

 Once he was gone Roman sat down on the couch, he was hurt and confused by Dean's break up. He had no idea what he did wrong!

 "What was that about?" Roman asked upset.

 "Ro, he's right." Seth said gently, as he sat beside Roman.


 "Rome, you're my brother and I love you, but ever since Dean got here you've made him feel like he's not good enough for you the way he is!" Seth explained gently. "You wouldn't let him pay for anything and bought him a whole new wardrobe! Which basically told him he's not good enough!"

 "No, I...I just screwed up the best thing that happened to me! What am I going to do Seth?" Roman said, tears in his eyes.

 "Simple! Go after your cowboy Ro, make him understand you never meant to hurt him!" Seth answered.

 "Do you think it'll work?"

 "Only one way to find out!" Seth said hugging Roman, before he got up and left.

 As soon as he was alone, Roman paced the room, he had just made the biggest mistake of his life! He needed to fix things, he had to show Dean that he's the most important person in his life; besides Seth, and that he was perfect exactly the way he is! It wouldn't be easy, Dean was stubborn, but so was Roman, and he refused to let Dean walk out of his life; especially with Dean thinking he wasn't good enough for him. The truth was Roman wasn't good enough for Dean! Roman rushed to his room and packed a bag, before he left his house. He locked his door, then got into his car and drove away, he'd do whatever it took to get his cowboy back!


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