Cowboy Love Pt3/Ambreigns

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The sun was beginning to set as Roman Reigns drove his car to his destination. Roman was on his way to fix the biggest mistake he's ever made, he was on a mission of love!

A month ago his best and business partner Seth Rollins, changed Roman's life forever after he brought him to a working Dude Ranch for a surprise vacation. At first Roman didn't want to be there, but he quickly changed his mind after he met and fell hard for one of the cowboys who lived and worked there, Dean Ambrose! Dean was a true cowboy in every sense of the word and he hated people from the city who came to the Ranch, he called them Cityslickers! Dean refused to have any kind of contact with Roman or Seth for the first few days they were there, but Roman refused to give up and finally convinced Dean to go on a horseback ride with him. On that ride Dean had gotten hurt, but not seriously and at the hospital they finally confessed their feelings for each other and kissed.

Dean and Roman became a couple, and Dean became best friends...brothers with Seth as well. After Roman and Seth returned home Dean showed up in the city a week later to surprise them. Roman was so happy to have Dean with him and he wanted him to enjoy his vacation with them to the fullest! He wouldn't let Dean drive, or pay for anything and he even bought Dean a whole new wardrobe; which according to Dean was more City then what he was used too. Roman didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing, but Dean and Seth saw it differently and Dean confronted Roman believing he was embarrassed by Dean and ended up breaking up with Roman, leaving and going back to the Ranch.

Roman finally realized; with some help from Seth, what he had done and he packed a bag and went after Dean! He was only a couple hours behind Dean and he hoped he wasn't too late and Dean would let him apologize! On his way to the Ranch he called Seth to tell him what he was doing and Seth was so happy he was going after Dean! Roman pulled into the Ranch and the first person he saw was a cowboy he and Seth had become friends with named Dolph Ziggler. Roman parked and smiling got out, Dolph hugged him smiling.

"Welcome back Rome! Dean never told us you were coming!" Dolph said when the hug ended.

"That's because, doesn't know I'm here! he around?" Roman answered, as he looked around.

"Yeah, he's in his usual spot! He seems upset though, I tried talking to him, but he blew me off."

"We...he broke up with me tonight." Roman said quietly.

"What? He was so happy with you! Did you cheat on him Reigns?" Dolph said angrily, ready to kick Roman's Cityslicker ass!

"No, it's nothing like that! But it is my fault!" Roman answered sadly.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room and you can tell me what happened."

A couple hours later Dolph and Roman were sitting in Roman's room talking; Roman had told him everything that had happened. As they talked Dean came looking for Dolph, not knowing Roman was at the Ranch, until he saw him.

"Hey Dolph, I need to..." Dean began, but stopped seeing Roman. "Never mind, I'll talk to you later man!" He said, as he turned to leave.

"Dean, wait please! I came to..."

"Save it Cityslicker, you wasted a trip! I've got chores to do!" Dean said angrily cutting Roman off, as he turned and walked away.

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