Accepting Love/Ambrollins

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Dean Ambrose lay in bed, he was exhausted after the brutal match he had had earlier that night along with his best friends...brothers and stablemates in The Shield Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns against The Wyatts. He should be sleeping, but the thoughts in his head kept him awake. The reason for his sleeplessness was because for the first time in his life Dean was in love; that alone terrified him! The other reason it did was because he had fallen in love with a man...not just any guy either! No, he had fallen in love with Seth! Dean wasn't afraid of anything or anyone...until now! He had never been in love or been with a man before and it all scared him, but the thought of losing Seth completely, if he didn't feel the same terrified the hell out of him! He told no one; including Roman, hoping that his feelings would go away if he ignored them long enough!

Meanwhile three doors down, in the room he shared with Roman, Seth was wide awake too, suffering in silence! No one; including his brothers, knew that Seth had fallen in love for the first time in his life with a man! Leave it to Seth to fall hard for not only a man, but a man he shouldn't have fallen for...Dean! It scared the hell out of him because not only was he for the first time in his life in love with a man, but that the man was one of his brothers! He knew he didn't stand a chance in hell with Dean, so he kept his love to himself, telling no one including Roman! He was better off loving Dean in silence, than risk losing Dean completely.

**A Month Later**:

The days passed and Seth decided to move on and find someone else! He knew Dean didn't and never would feel the same about him, so even though he still loved and wanted Dean, he focused on finding a new love!

One night after Raw, the trio decided to go out to a bar for a couple of drinks. While they were there Seth put his plan to let Dean go into action. He flirted with many beautiful woman all night, trying to make a connection. Dean watched Seth all night and it killed him to see the man he loved try and score with some bar bitch, who only wanted one thing from Seth! So, to numb himself, Dean drank...a lot, more than he usually did.

A couple hours later Roman had gone back to the hotel, he had caught a ride with Dolph, leaving Dean and Seth alone. After he was gone Dean continued to drink, as he sat at their table with Seth pretending to be listening to him talk. Truthfully Dean was watching the way Seth's hand held his bottle of beer, and the way his lips were when he drank. He was losing himself in his fantasy of Seth's hands and lips on him, and didn't notice Seth had caught him starring at him.

"Do I have something on my face dude?" Seth asked, as he began wiping at his face.

"What?" Dean asked confused, coming back to reality.

"My face, do I have something on it?" Seth repeated.

"No, why?"

"You were starring at me funny, so I figured I had something on my face!"

"I...I was?" Dean asked, embarrassed he'd been caught starring. "Sorry, guess I'm a little more buzzed than I thought!" He added, as he drank the rest of his beer avoiding eye contact.

"And that my brother is our cue to leave!" Seth said smiling.

"Uh, it is?" Dean asked confused.

"Yep, we've got a match tomorrow and if you're too hung over to be any good, Ro will kill us both!" Seth answered.

After paying for their drinks, Seth helped a drunk Dean out of the bar and called a cab. The cab arrived and took them to the hotel. At the hotel Seth paid the driver, before he helped Dean get out of the cab and into the hotel. Dean was sharing a room with Roman, so Seth helped him to their room and unlocked the door. Once they were inside Seth found a note from Roman telling Dean he was staying at his cousin's room for the night. Seth helped Dean over to the bed and sat him on the edge, Dean instantly lay back his feet still on the floor. Smiling Seth knelt down in front him and took Dean's shoes off, as he finished Dean sat up again. Their faces were inches apart, neither moved or spoke as they starred into each others eyes. Suddenly Dean kissed Seth, seconds later Seth pulled away and upset he stood.

"This can't happen! Not like this!" Seth said, as he walked away, Dean quickly followed him.

"Don't you want me Seth?" Dean asked, stopping Seth from leaving.

"Of course I do Dean!" Seth said turning to face him. "I've wanted this to happen for so damn long now! Dammit Dean, I love you, but this is wrong!" Seth said frustrated.

"How about this?" Dean said sexily.

Smirking he backed Seth up against the wall, keeping him there using his body, as he held Seth's hands above his head and kissed him again. Seth pushed him off, Dean starred at Seth frustrated as he spoke.

"Dammit Seth, what's wrong now? You love me and I love you, we both want this, so why can't we?"

"You just don't get it do you Dean? This isn't a damn joke to me! How the hell can I believe you really love me, when you can only admit your feelings when you're wasted?" Seth demanded upset.

"Fine Seth! What the fuck ever! You wanna go, go! Just remember you walk out that damn door, you lose your chance with me!" Dean yelled.

Seth didn't say anything, he just turned and walked out of the room holding in his tears, until he had shut the door behind him.


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