Let It Snow/Ambreigns

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The wind picked up, causing Seth Rollins to pull his jacket closer to him, as he walked back into the arena. He had gone outside to get away from his two best friends...brothers and stablemates in The Shield Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

As much as he loved both his brothers, he was tired of the endless fighting between them. It hadn't always been like this though, the three of them used to be so close only six months ago! Somewhere though things went to shit between Dean and Roman; they hated each other now and Seth was constantly in the middle and he hated it! Tonight Roman had started it with Dean, he had brought up Dean's loss to Cena on Monday and they started fighting again, Seth was tired of it and vowed he was going to fix things between them; refusing to lose his family!

"There you are!" Roman's voice spoke from behind him.

"Hey Ro!" Seth greeted him, as he stopped walking. "Where's D?"

"Waiting for us, our match is next!" Roman answered, as they began walking again.

"Did you really have to start with him tonight?" Seth asked sighing.


"You didn't have to bring up Raw!" Seth scolded.

"Why are you mad at me?" Roman asked. "He's the one who lost to Cena!"

"So, what? Dammit Ro, we've all lost a match before! I'm so damn sick of you two always fighting, it never stops!" Seth answered angrily, as they joined Dean.

"We don't always fight!" Dean stated.

"No, sometimes you're sleeping! Just forget it and let's concentrate on our match okay?" Seth replied.

**Days Later**:

As the days passed their fighting continued and Seth had had enough! He decided that they needed time off together, so he talked to Hunter and Steph and they agreed to give the trio a week off. Now, he just needed to figure out where to go, he had to find somewhere that no one would bother them, that way the three of them could fix whatever the hell had gone wrong!

After thinking all day, he finally found the perfect place after over hearing Dolph talking to Cena about a cabin he had just bought.

"Hey Dolph, can I talk to you for a second man?" Seth asked smiling.

"Sure Seth, what's up?" Dolph agreed.

"I wanted to talk to you about your cabin!"


Seth couldn't wait to tell his brothers about their trip, but by the time he got everything set up and he changed for the show, it was too late and he had to wait until after their match. Thankfully their match against the Usos and Neville had gone their way and The Shield were victorious!

Once they were in their locker room Seth couldn't wait any more, so while they changed and packed their bags he spoke.

"Guys, I think we should go away together somewhere for our week off!" Seth said smiling.

"That right Two-Tones?" Dean asked smirking, as he looked at a smirking Roman.

"You already set something up didn't you?" Roman added.

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