Playing With A Lunatic's Heart/Ambrollins

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Dean Ambrose walked into his locker room after another exhausting night at work; as one third of the WWE's most popular, dominate, unbeatable stables The Shield! He was tired and his shoulder was killing him after The Shield's match against their rivals The Wyatt Family.

 His best friends...brothers and stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns had gone to catering. Dean decided to have a shower and change, before joining them, he took his shirt off and undid his pants when suddenly he felt someone's arms wrap around his waist. The person then kissed his back before they spoke.

 "Dammit Ambrose, you drive me crazy!"

 "That right Rollins? How crazy?" Dean asked smiling, as he turned around and pinned Seth to the wall. "Show me!" He demanded, before Seth kissed him.

 "Alright, you two cut it out we're still at work!" Roman's annoyed voice spoke from behind them, his brothers pulled apart. "Hit the showers you two...separately!"

 "Yes dad!" Dean said smiling.

**Days Later**:

 Roman sat in their locker room watching as his brothers laughed at something Dean had said. He loved both his brothers, but for the last six months now he had become angry at Seth. The reason for his anger, Dean and Seth were sleeping together; it wasn't the fact that his brothers were having sex with each other that made him angry! No, it was the fact that Seth was just having fun with Dean, while Dean had fallen in love with Seth! This was the first time in Dean's life he had ever been in love, and when he told Roman about it he was worried ! Worried for Dean because he knew how Seth felt about their arrangement, even though Dean didn't! Unlike Dean, Seth wasn't in love; he was just having fun and not looking for anything more! He knew Dean would end up getting hurt and Roman was worried that when everything went down the relationship between his brothers would be destroyed!

 Later that night Dean was in Seth's room, they were cuddling in bed after making love and as he held Seth close, he knew the time had finally come to tell Seth he loved him! 

 "Seth, can I talk to you baby boy?" Dean asked nervously.

 "Sure D, what's going on?" Seth asked, as he lay beside Dean and looked at him, brushing hair off Dean's forehead.

 "Okay, well the last six months have been incredible, being with you has made me happier then I've been in a long time!" Dean said, as he touched Seth's cheek.

 "Me too babe!" Seth replied smiling, as he kissed Dean.

 "Really? I'm so glad to hear you say that baby boy! Hearing you love me too is..."

 "Wait, what?" Seth asked pulling away quickly. "Love you?"

 "Yeah, I love you Seth...I mean I'm in love with you! Don't...don't you love me?" Dean sitting up.

 "Of course I love you Dean...just like I love Ro! You're my brother Dean, nothing more!"

 " used me?" Dean said his heart breaking.

 "No, I'd never do that Dean!"

 "Then what the hell would you call it Seth?" Dean asked angrily, as he got up and began getting dressed quickly.

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