Online Lovers Pt2/Ambrollins

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The morning sun shone through the window and directly into the face of a sleeping and hung over Seth Rollins. He groaned and put his pillow over his head, trying and failing to block out the annoyingly too bright light! His head pounded and his stomach was turning; this was why he hardly drank alcohol! He had no freaking idea how his best and Shield stablemate, Dean Ambrose drank like a damn fish, and was still able to function the next day as if all he had been drinking was water?

Thinking of Dean reminded Seth what had happened the night before and he groaned again; if he hadn't have been feeling sick already, he would have been the minute he remembered last night! He remembered the whole damn night! Every. Single. Thing! On top of feeling completely mortified, he was so confused by Dean's confession of loving Seth back! For the last six months he and Dean hated each other, constantly putting their best and Shield stablemate Roman Reigns in the middle of their fights. Then two months ago, needing to relax and unwind after another long night of pretending he was still close to Dean, Seth logged onto a WWE fan chat site and quickly started an online friendship with another fan! He grew to really like them, he helped take away the ache Seth had in his heart for Dean; which after awhile he realized was love, but at the time he just thought it was him missing their friendship!

It wasn't until his new friend suggested they go on a date and they met at a restaurant, that Seth discovered that the man he was using to get over Dean was actually his brother all along; neither of them had known that until that moment! Of course Dean was just as shocked and disappointed as Seth was. Seth had tried to leave, but Dean refused and they had their date, of course Ambrose took off when the check came leaving Seth to pay it!

Needing to get rid of the memories of their date, Seth went to a bar and proceeded to drink until he was shit-faced! That's when his Lunatic in shining armor appeared, stopping him from drinking anymore then he already had, and took him back to their hotel. Dean helped him to bed and that's when Seth made the biggest mistake of his life and confessed his love to Dean, before he kissed him! It wasn't because he told Dean of his love that was the mistake, it was because he did it when he was drunk! When Dean told Seth he loved him too, Seth was beyond happy and continued trying to seduce Dean. Dean though was a complete gentleman and even though he wanted Seth as badly as Seth wanted him, he refused to take advantage of him in his drunken state and left before Seth passed out!

Seth took the pillow off his head and slowly sat up, he looked at the other bed and saw it was empty, which meant Roman was awake. He sighed and rubbed his aching head, he went to get up, but stopped noticing someone had left a glass of water and two pain killers on his nightstand. Smiling he took the pills, before he got up slowly and after getting his things for a shower he went into the main part of the room thinking of Dean. As he did, Dean came into the room, both men froze as they starred at each other, Dean rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He went to speak, but Seth stopped him by walking up and hugging him, as Seth pulled away smiling he kissed Dean's cheek.

"Thanks for taking care of me Dean!" Seth said, before he went into the bathroom.

Dean said nothing, once alone he smiled to himself as he touched his cheek where Seth had kissed him. As he did he thought of what happened the night before, Seth remembered everything! Just then his thoughts were interrupted by Roman returning with coffee, seeing Dean's smile he spoke.

"You're in a good mood Ambrose! What happened?" Roman asked.

"Nothing Ro, I'm just in a good mood this morning man!" Dean lied, as he patted Roman's back, before he took his coffee and sat on the couch.

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