Missing You/Ambreigns

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The night was cool, as Roman Reigns sat on a chair in his backyard, it had been another long day of raising his seven year old son Oliver alone. He loved his son, and never regretted having him, but he never expected to raise him by himself. Oliver was Roman's miracle child, a child very much loved and wanted by himself and Roman's husband of four years Dean Ambrose!

 Dean and Roman had the kind of love you see in movies or read about in books, they started off as best friends, but soon fell in love. They loved each other so much, Dean had been Roman's whole world! He made Roman feel loved and safe, as long as he had Dean he could face anything!

 Two years after they were married they adopted Oliver, both had wanted to start a family. When they met chubby, happy one year old Ollie, they knew he was the child they were meant to have! A year later he was legally theirs and they lived a hectic life that was always full of love and laughter!

 Roman's world would be ripped apart one heartbreaking night when Oliver was five, Dean was taken from them in a car accident! Roman didn't know how to live without Dean, he was Roman's best friend, soul mate and strength! On the outside he stayed strong for their son; who cried out for his daddy every night! On the inside though Roman felt like he had died with Dean!

 As the lonely days passed, Roman and Oliver began to slowly move on, together they learned how to live without Dean. Soon Oliver began to return to his happy self, never forgetting Dean though. Roman struggled with it...still struggled with it even now two years later. There were times Roman cried missing Dean, feeling like he couldn't breathe without him. Then there were times Roman hated Dean for leaving him after he promised he never would! Those moments didn't happen as often as they used to, instead they were replaced by times where Roman would just sit and think of Dean and smile or laugh at the memory.

 He knew Dean wouldn't want him crying for him, not living the life Dean always imagined they'd have; so Roman lived for the both of them! Tonight though, as he sat in the backyard, playing with his wedding ring that he refused to take off, Roman couldn't stop the tears that fell. Today would have been their six year wedding anniversary! He had managed to keep it together all day, but now that he was alone he didn't have the energy to be strong anymore!

 As he cried he never noticed Oliver; dressed in his pj's, carrying his favourite blanket and stuffed bear, come out. It wasn't until Oliver crawled onto Roman's lap and hugged him, whispering comforting words that he noticed. Roman stopped crying, but held Ollie tight, his heart full of love for his incredible son! In that moment he realized Dean's love, spirit and strength lived on in their son. Oliver pulled away and sat on Roman's lap, covering himself with his blanket, before he looked up at the stars and spoke.

 "Dad, do you think daddy's up there watching us?"

 "Yeah Ollie, I do." Roman answered, as he looked at the stars too.

 "Me too." Ollie said smiling, as he cuddled closer to Roman. "Daddy liked looking at the stars, he even took me to see the comets remember dad?"

 "I do! He took you camping for the whole weekend by yourselves!" Roman answered, as he remembered.

 "Dad, do you still miss daddy?"

 "Yeah buddy, I do." Roman answered quietly.

 "Me too." Oliver whispered. "Uncle Seth told me he does too, and he told me if I'm really missing daddy all I have to do is give Comet a hug, and daddy can feel it!" Ollie said, as he hugged his stuffed bear that Dean had given him named Comet.

 "Uncle Seth's right!" Roman said smiling, silently thanking his and Dean's best friend...brother Seth Rollins for his help.

 "Uncle Seth told me he's going to take me camping this weekend, at the place daddy used to take me! Will you come please?" Ollie asked.

 "Sure baby boy, we'll watch the stars together!" Roman answered.

 "Thank you dad!" Ollie said excitedly, as he hugged Roman. "Dad?"


 "Which star is daddy?"

 "Let's see if we can find him together!" Roman answered, as they looked at the stars.

 Father and son sat together in silence, as they looked at the night sky filled with millions of stars. Suddenly they saw the biggest and brightest star shining above them, both smiled, as Oliver spoke excitedly.

 "I found him dad! He's right there!" Ollie said pointing.

 "You did find him Ollie!" Roman agreed smiling sadly.

 "I love you daddy, and I miss you lots!" Ollie said sadly, as he hugged Comet again. "Night daddy. Dad, I'm tired! I'm going to back to bed." He said, as he yawned.

 "Okay bud, night, I love you!" Roman said hugging him. "Sweet dreams."

 "Night dad, I love you too!" Ollie said, as he got down and picked up his blanket, before smiling he handed Comet to Roman.

 "You don't want Comet?"

 "You can hug him for a bit...just give him back when you're done!" Ollie said, before he went inside leaving Roman alone again.

 Once he was alone Roman held Comet close, as he starred up at the star and with tears in his eyes he spoke.

 "I love you Dean! I still miss you so much, but I know you're always with us and you live on through Ollie! Goodnight my Lunatic, happy anniversary baby!"

 Roman got up and went inside, after locking up, he went upstairs, stopping to check on Ollie and return his beloved bear, before he went to his room. He changed, turned off the light and got into bed, drifting off to sleep, as the star shone brightly above them all night.


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