Ariana's POV: "stop your hurting me please!" I yelled as he choked my neck. "Shh, the pain won't last forever." He grunted as he whispered in my ear. I could slowly feel myself loosing my breath and becoming faint.
*Ring ring* my phones rings as I sprint up from my bed realizing it was another bad dream. I quickly pick up my phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Ari!! Where are you? Didn't you know you have the dance tryouts today?" Scooter Braun, my manger, yelled into the phone. " oh my gosh what time is it?" I looked to see that it was already 12:00 in the afternoon when tryouts started at 11:30.
"Get your tiny ass over here quickly, everyone who's been in line is getting angry."
He said while shouting voices of angry contestants were in the background. "On my way now, is the crew there?" "Yes Ariana, they seem more responsible than you at the moment." Scooter said. When scooter calls me by my full first name I know he's upset with me and when he says the crew is more responsible (which is never) I know I messed up. I hung up the phone and got dressed.
I decided to put on my black and grey sweats with my black converse and a moonlight shirt. I should just keep it simple, it's not like I'm going to an interview. Today is the day where I decide what new person will be apart of our crew. As much as I don't really want new people since I'm so use to the crew, it's a good idea to have another back up dancer. As I do my hair I unlocked my phone to put music on but I saw that I had 54 unread messages! They were all from Scott and Tracy! "Oh gosh." I said. Once I got ready I called my driver joe to come and get me.
*25 minutes later*
Ariana's POV: we finally pull up to my college Penn Brook, that's where the dance competition will be held. I could already see hundreds of people lined outside waiting to get in. Boy is this going to be a long day.Ricky's POV:
"right here! Where are you going!" I yelled at the cab driver which was completely lost. "Sorry sorry sir." He apologized, he didn't know much English. " stope here." I directed him. I looked out the window and saw about 200-300 hundred people waiting in line. I knew I should have came earlier.
"20 dollars sir." The cab driver said. I took out 20 and gave it to the driver, getting out of the cab. As I walked to the long line, many thoughts went through my head. " do I really have a chance of getting the spot? Shit do I even have the chance of getting in the damn building?" As I waited in line I saw that people slept there the night before, tents were almost everywhere. "Wow, I thought we were all adults here, is it that serious that people have to camp outside. That's something teenage girls would do. What does it hurt to get up in the early morning and bring you ass here?" I overheard some guy say. "Man shut the hell up! You don't know how much this means to people!"
I heard another male voice shout. Before I knew it, two men where fighting behind me. People tried looking for security guards. From a distance I saw huge security guards guiding someone into the building. Maybe it's Ariana Grande. Well I guess I'm gonna find out cause this fight is getting bloody. I sprinted to the body guards, getting out of my place in line which I hoped I would still have. When I got very close to them I yelled "hey! There's a fight on the line!" They all looked back and took out guns. They got startled I'm guessing but damn that's a lot of protection.
As soon as they saw the sight of the two bloody men fighting, they started to run towards the event. Leaving the beautiful sight of Ariana. She looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I couldn't help but gaze into them. She blushed at the sight of me admiring her and finally spoke. "Hey thanks for letting us know about that I wouldn't never want anyone to fight over anything like this." I was so lost for words that I couldn't even reply back but simply nod my head.
She laughed at the sight and sipped some of her Starbucks. "It's a really long line, you want to sneak in with me?" She jokingly winked but was so cute. "Y-yes please." I stuttered snapping out of the gaze. I walked into a back door with her and the sight was truly amazing. Seeing so many people doing what I admire, dancing. From the contestants to the crew members it was all so delightful.
Ariana looked back at me and saw that I was so happy and smiling. "Someone's excited." She giggled. I blushed and agreed. "Alright there's about 20 -30 people in front of you so just wait here until it's your turn and good luck." She said while giving me a hug. She was so beautiful. Just the thought of her being mine was great but she's already with someone. Big Sean I think his name is. But let's see what happens. Hopefully I make the spot.
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