Ariana's POV:
"When your balls fall out of your underwear." Brian surprisingly said while shaking his legs.
Everyone started laughing so hard."Fucking same." Ricky added.
I looked at Ricky and shook my head.
I still couldn't really talk, let alone laugh. But my speech was becoming better. The doctor had given me some medication for the inflammation and some medicine Popsicles which totally helped.
So every time someone made a joke I had to hold it in. Especially at that last comment, I was crying. It was so funny.
Almost everyone was there. We asked the hospital if we could just have about 10 people in the room. The crew still had to do practices and routines for the honeymoon tour so if I stayed longer they wouldn't all be able to be here like they are now.
"So about the h-honeymoon tour.." I asked everyone.
Everyone looked at my mother and scooter. I forgot to say, he did show up.
"Well, we know that Ariana defiantly can't sing or barley speak at the moment, and the show for Texas has been rescheduled for this Saturday. So there's exactly 4 days until that." He put his hands together and looked at the ground.
How was I going to be perfectly energized and stable by Saturday?
"Is she even going to be able to sing in 4 days?" Ricky asked while eating some of his soup.
He then put it down and placed his hand on my thigh. Such a sweet thang.
"Yeah?" Scott asked. Soon enough everyone asked 'yeah?'
"Whoa whoa, everyone take a damn chill pill." Scooter laughed while making hand gestures.
Everyone laughed at his action.
"Well, there has to be another option..."
Mommy added."I mean she can always lip-sync."
I didn't feel comfortable doing that. I don't always sing my songs exactly how it's sounds off the album. I always add a different note or pitch.
I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.
Everyone's attention came to me. I cleared my throat.
"I don't f-feel comfortable d-doing that. You guys know I don't a-always sing the exact sa-ame way I do on the album." I tried speaking as good as I could, words still messing up from my throat getting completely dry at moments.
"True.." Nekai agreed.
"But you have to. I've already done a lot with rescheduling the show which I could have cancelled. Come on Ari, meet me half way. I've busted my ass." Scooter pleaded.
" was hard rescheduling the show sweetie, a lot of calls had to be made." Mommy added.Ricky looked at me.
His eyes read "you should but you don't have to."Not really excited, I agreed.
"Alright, I'll go ask the doctor what day you should be out of here." Ricky stated while getting up from my bed and walking out.
Ricky's POV: I was so happy for her to be awake, it was truly amazing. I was just happy to have my damn princess back!
As I left the room I was looking for one of the nurses that took care of Ariana.
The doctor wasn't anywhere to be found."Hey Ms, can I see when Ariana grande will be able to leave?" I politely asked her.
"Sure." She smiled. She was an older woman that had to be in her 50s.
As I stood by the counter waiting for the information, I saw a person from the corner of my eye.
"Aye what's up man, where Ariana at?"
It was bitch ass Sean again.
I turned around and looked at him with disgust.
"Yo, why the hell are you still trying to see her? Get out of here already." I clenched my fists. He had no right being here.
"Listen I've been dealing with your bullshit for a while. Now you either gonna tell me where she's at or I'll just ask a damn nurse." He spoke loudly.
Who the fuck was he talking to?
"Man, you don't need information. She doesn't fucking love you. You hurt her, she doesn't want shit to do with you! None! I don't even know why you were let in the damn building." I barked back.
With darkness in my eyes, anger filled my body.
Before I knew it his hands were gripped on my neck and I was leaning backwards over the counter.
He really wants to start shit here....