Studio time

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Ricky's POV: "that's my girlfriend." I smiled cheek to cheek.
The director turned to me and chuckled.

"With that look on your face, I think we all know that."

Yeah, it was pretty obvious, I love this girl.

"...thank you for having me.." She smiled at the crowd. They applauded her and she walked off stage.

"Great job baby girl!" I brought her into a big hug.
She looked so cute and sweet.
"Thanks baby boy." She kissed my cheek and we walked back to the room I was in before.

"Hey dolls!" Ariana greeted everyone once more. They all came up to her and hugged her.

Scooter then walked in with Toulouse and Ophelia.

"MY BABIES!" Ariana screamed in excitement. She hasn't seen them in a while. And boy was she right, she treated the pups like her children.

She ran up to them and hugged them both dearly.

"Aye Ophelia." I smiled and approached her. She was such a beautiful dog. I had a special bond with her.

"Y'all we're planning to go to an old studio of a friend of mines that you all know." Scooter explained.

We all know this person? Interesting.

"Right now?" Brian asked in excitement.

By studio this meant that we were gonna practice routines for the HoneyMoon Tour.

"Yep, get ready." Scooter walked out giving the pups to Ariana.

"Baby, did you hear scooter?" She was still playing with Toulouse and Ophelia. She really did miss them.

"W-what?" She finally snapped out of her action and noticed everyone preparing their things.

Laughing at her action, I took Ophelia and walked out the room with Ariana and the crew.

Time to have a little fun!

Ariana's POV: We were in the car driving to this 'mysterious' dance studio.
Scooter wanted it to be a surprise. Apparently we all knew who this person was. I know a lot of people so at this moment I have no clue on who we're meeting up with.

I turn to my side to see Ricky staring out the window and visualizing the tall buildings of nyc.

"New York is really amazing. One of my favorite places to be... Besides with you.." He faced me and smiled.

"Aww baby, your too good for me." I blushed while brining his face close to mine for a kiss.

"Not at all darling, your the walking masterpiece." He smiled.

I couldn't help it. I smashed his lips into mine and we passionately kissed in sync.

"Oh no, if y'all two gon' be kissing all up on each other, we can drop you off right here!" Nekai spoke making everyone laugh.

Breaking the kiss, I shyly let go of Ricky and looked at my phone.

I looked on Twitter to see what was going on with the social media.

'Ariana grande appears to be heading to Justin Bieber's studio in Nyc. Don't miss it'

How can my fans know where I'm going and I don't even know? I mean what can I say? They're good at keeping track of their celebrities.

So I was going to Justin's studio?

I felt weird. The last time I saw him he tried hitting on me and the whole damn internet thought we were dating.

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