Ariana's POV: "Girl I promise you, even in this hospital gown you'll look fabulous!" Tracy smiled as she did a bun in my hair. All I did was shake my head giggle.
"How does your arm feel?" Nekai asked while softly rubbing it. The doctors had finally let me off of the medication which meant that they took my needle out.
"Still a-a little numb but it's good." I cleared my throat.
Everyone was sitting down either snap chatting, taking pictures, watching tv, or making business calls.
I decided to take out my phone and check the social media. I know my babes had to be going crazy about what had happened on the plane.
A new hashtag was trending.
Aww my babes truly did care for me. Since I Hadn't tweeted in like forever, I decided to give a simple tweet.
"We're gonna be alright💜☁️"
What not much people knew was that I had a new single ready for my babes. Focus. Like I always do, I love spilling tea for my babies, I just hope they get the tweet and understand its part of the lyrics.
Ricky was out for quite a while. Although he was looking for my doctor for a while I didn't pay much mind.
As I was retweeting tweets from the fans, Scott spoke.
"Ari do you just wanna go get your doctor or I can? Ricky's taking hella long." He laughed while fixing his hat.
"Sure I need to move around anyways."
As I fixed my gown I saw the scars. Seeing them made that moment come back. It startled me for a second.
What was I thinking?
As I snapped out of the thought Scott came and helped me get up.
"We'll be right back." I smiled and told everyone.
Walking felt weird, like my legs were numb.
"You alright?" Scott smirked seeing how focused I was on trying not to fall.
"Yeah, just a little n-numb."
As we walked further into the hall way I saw security guards running down the hall.
"What's going on?" I looked at Scott.
"D-don't know.." He replied while trying to see what was all the fuss about.
We gave each other the look. That 'let's be nosey' look.
As we walked towards the event, I could see a man strangling another. I couldn't tell who it was. They had their backs faced towards me.
Still holding on to Scott's arm, I tried to walk a little bit faster.
"Come on! Come on! Touch me again!"
A familiar voice yelled.
Scott and I were both startled at the familiar voice.
Out of nowhere the other man got out of the grip of a security guard and punched the familiar voices man multiple times.
When I was finally close enough I saw who it was.
"Ricky! Stop!"
I tried hurrying to the scene with the numbness still in my legs.
Scott ran towards the fight and tried holding back Ricky.
Not knowing what to do I yelled Sean's name also.
Neither one listened. They just wanted to...kill each other...
"You don't fucking belong here!" Ricky yelled while he was parted from Sean.
I quickly went up to a furious Ricky.
His heavy breathing, bloody nose, and scratch marks around his neck frightened me. I've never seen him this angry. Any other time he was mad couldn't compare to this moment.
"Ricky look at me!" I grabbed his face trying to make eye contact with him. He had a dark feeling in his eyes and pierced them on Sean. Like he wanted to demolish him.
"Ricky! Focus on me!" I slapped him a few times.
He finally looked at me. That wasn't the boy I fell in love with. It was a whole different person in him at the moment and I didn't know why.
"Calm down." I looked at him.
He stared back. Not saying a word. It's like our eyes connected and the whole world stopped.
I knew this wasn't like him. This can't be like him. This isn't Ricky.
"Let him go!" I pushed the guards hand of off him.
They let him go and I quickly brought him back to my room.
As I looked back Sean and I also made eye contact. Too scared to looks at him any further, I turned back around as he walked out of the building.
Why is this all happening?
"He's such a fucking bastard." Ricky growled.
"Ricky this isn't you. Calm down."
"Why was he here Ariana?! He fucking hurt you. I'm tired of people trying to crawl back into your life after they hurt you!" He yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows in shock and confusion.
Did he just yell at me?
"Who told you that I didn't want him to come? Did I know he was? No. But that doesn't mean I don't care about Sean." I snapped back.
"So now you have feelings for someone who put their hands on you?" He became angrier.
With that comment I felt so disrespected. It's like he was saying that I had feelings for his father after he raped me.
"Fuck you." I firmly said and let go of his arm. I saw how in shock he was but I didn't care.
He just disrespected me. Maybe I was being to hard, knowing he wasn't in a jolly mood but fuck that. That was over board. Especially in the condition im in.
"Ariana." He called out for me to come back.
It wasn't a sad feeling but more like a hateful feeling. A feeling I thought I would never have for Ricky. But I don't know, maybe this is how things need to go for a better future? Or any future at that.