Ariana's POV: tonight was going great, until I heard a large group of my fans scream a particular way. A way that wasn't excitement but more rather scared and trying to get attention.
I was all the way in the front of the stage singing break free, until I came to realize that my fans started screaming Ricky's name got my attention.
The sight was horrific..
"Ricky!" I screamed into the mic. The music stopped and I ran towards where Ricky was.
"This can't be happening." I kept repeating while tears bursted out of my eyes. I threw my mic and pushed people who were blocking me from him away.
"Some one call 911!"
"We need a medic now!"
"Oh my god!"
People were yelling. It was all happening to fast, I was so scared and nervous. I could loose my baby.I grabbed his motionless body and kept softly hitting his face so he could wake up.
"Ricky please baby. Don't do this to me. Your my moonlight. My everything. I love you so much."
I cried. So much emotion and passion came out of my mouth. I couldn't loose him. I can't fucking loose him.
The tears that fell off my face landed on his."Please just be okay Ricky...." I cried brining him into a strong hug.
Moments later paramedics came and took him away from me. I didn't want him to go. I couldn't bare not being by his side while this was happening, but I have over 2,000 people in this arena that wouldn't deserve me ending the show.
As they took him away my more tears came out of my eyes. "...please...""We love you Ricky!" I heard the whole arena say in a perfect sync.
I broke down even more. I loved my fans I truly did. There wasn't anyone other fandom like them.
The rest of the crew came and gave me a group hug.I needed to finish the show.
As I wiped my tears, Alfredo ran on stage and handed me another mic.
"If y'all don't mind, I'd like to skip the next song and sing 'My Everything' for Ricky.
As I started to sing the words, so much emotion came back and I couldn't get the thought of my baby out of my head.
"You are, you are, youu are my everything."
The whole arena was filled with emotion. I could see fans even crying at the fact that Ricky was hurt. They knew how much he meant to me.After we all sang the song, I then went on with the rest of the show...
With my baby, my love, my everything, on my mind..
'I love you Ricky'