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* some mature content *

Ariana's POV: "what was happening out there Ariana?" Mommy asked me.

"A fight with Sean and Ricky. I don't know why though but let's just go." I spoke.

Then seconds later Ricky walked in. Everyone who was in the room went to him. I wanted to too but I was still mad.

"It's okay guys I'm fine, a nurse just helped me out." He said.

"Um guys, I want to change, so can you give me some privacy?" I shyly spoke.

"I'll stay." Ricky dramatically replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the actual fuck. Does he not know I'm very angry with him?

"Um no. I'd rather be alone." I spoke with attitude while facing my back towards him.

"Guys can you just go?" Ricky kindly told everyone.

I felt like they know what was happening. They knew we were arguing at the moment.

My back still turned Ricky's way, I heard the door close.

His large hands were on my waist, making me feel butterflies. As much as I was mad at him, I couldn't get enough of his touch.

Still trying to seem mad and I firmly looked out the window, not trying to fall into his trap.

"Ariana, look. I'm sorry for saying those things. I was just in the moment and I couldn't control my temper." He softly spoke into my ear. I felt his arms now hugging my waist and his body close to mine.

Still silent I let him continue.

"You know I love you way too much for us to fight over something this dumb. I'm sorry and if you still want Sean as a friend I have to understand that and let you do what you want. I can't force you into anything Ariana."

He spoke again.  Wow. He sounded so truthful and honest. A lot of emotion was in his last words.

I finally turned around. His eyes were directly on mine and I could tell he was truly sorry.

"I love you too Ricky." I sighed and kissed his lips. So soft and  full of passion.

"If your still mad I understand." He looked down while scratching the back of his neck.

"No I'm not." I cooed. Fluttering my eyes, I repeatedly kissed his lips.

"Haha," he laughed between the many kisses I gave him.

"I fucking love you." He broke the kiss and just smiled.

Blushing, I looked away and put my face in his chest.

"I love you too." I mumbled.

There was a knock on the door.

"Ariana, the doc confirmed that you can leave, so while you get dressed pack all your belongings." Frankie shouted.

Ricky then went to my closet and started to fold my clothes and place them in my coach duffle bag.

"Can you wear this?" He smiled and showed me a crop top with skinny jeans and my red bottom heels.

I looked at my arms..I couldn't wear that.. My scars would show.

Ricky saw my action.

"Oh..sorry baby.. I'll pick something else." He placed the outfit back.

I just looked at him. He truly did care for me. I loved this man so fucking much.

"That looks good." I pointed. He had my pink Victoria secret Jumpsuit in his hands.

He smiled at placed it on the hospital bed.

"Well.." He looked at my body up and down.. Was he thinking of getting me dressed? I mean he was my boyfriend and he's seen me naked before. What was there to hide?

Maybe I was just nervous since its been so long...since any sexual activity went on..

I blushed as he walked closer and closer to me until I could feel him breathing on my face.

"..well.." I softly whispered.

He smirked and untied the knot in the back of my gown.

"I'll get you dressed." His hands ran down my spine  making me arch my back. I closed my eyes at the wonderful sensation.

His touch was beyond this universe, feeling him in this way again brought me back to moments..moments we showed our love for each other.

He softly kissed my neck making me melt.

"Ricky.." I softly moaned.

"We-we can't do this here.."

I brought his face to mine.

He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Shit it would've been cool as fuck though." He spoke.

I bursted out laughing. His sense of humor was honestly one of the best things about him.

Surprisingly my throat wasn't hurting as much anymore.

"But let me get you dressed, everyone is probably like what the hell is taking them so long." He laughed.

Controlling my sexual feeling that was trying to creep up on me, Ricky continued to dress me.

When he saw my naked body he was amazed.

I was just ashamed. I did things to my body that didn't have a reason be there. I could of been stronger.

A tear fell out of my eye at the thought.

"I-I'm sorry I look like this." I cried.

Ricky stood up straight and lifted my head up.

"Listen Ariana, your one of the most strongest girls I've ever seen. Your beautiful and so is your body. Your appearance would never seem to fail to me. I love you either way, scars or not. Your fucking gorgeous!"

And with that he lifted me up and spun me around. He made me feel so much better. I couldn't get enough of him.

"Now, let's try this again." He smiled.

I was finally dressed and all my things were packed. Ricky carried my luggage as we walked out of hospital.

"Before we go out here put these on." Scooter gave me sunglasses. It was probably for the flashing cameras that I was about to see.

I fixed my sweater making sure that I looked okay and that my scars weren't showing.

"Your fine gorgeous." Ricky took my hand and smiled.

I gave him a smile back with a kissey face.

Everyone took a deep breath.

"Ready?" I asked everyone.


The doors opened.

"Ariana over here!"
"We love you!"

Here we go. Back to reality.

Back to the life I was made to live.

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