Chapter 14

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Parker is still in the hospital and he isn't awake yet. It's been a week. He's supposed to wake up soon. But meanwhile, my parents have sent me back to school. Archer and Will aren't back- their parents let them stay home. 

I'm barely at home. I've always been at Will's house with Archer or at the hospital with Will. I'm only home to sleep and Dad's okay with that because he's happy I'm making friends. But Brooklyn? I could definitely do without her in my life. God, I can't believe her. Choosing an asshole of a boyfriend over your twin sister? Who's giving you a place to live? 

At school, I thought people would go back to treating me like crap but actually no. They're careful around me. Like if they do something wrong I'll blow up. Because Parker's in the hospital. And they're right. If something else goes wrong, I'll break. 

Think of me like a mirror. Full of glass. With the school against me, one by one, shards of glass would fall and shatter on the ground. And then I met the boys. I was broken before I met them. They fixed me. The shattered glass solidified and the shards fell back into place like pieces of a puzzle. And now Parker's actually broken. So a piece of me is gone too. A shard has fallen out and shattered. 

School days are a daze. Walking down the halls and people walking around me. Teachers giving me sympathetic looks and not calling on me in class because they know I'm not paying attention. My mind is always somewhere else. It's always on Parker.

After school I head straight to Will's house with Archer. Archer picks me up from school. The car rides are silent because all we can think about is Parker. But we can't talk about him or we'll start crying. All we do at Will's house is wait for Will to come home from his job, which he has because his parents think he needs working skills for the future when he runs the family business. 

When Will gets home we all go to the hospital and sit by Parker's bed and pray for him to wake up. He never does. So Archer drops me off at my house after we've eaten dinner in the hospital cafeteria. For a hospital, where health is everything, why is everything so greasy? Everyday, I try to focus on why everything is so greasy. To take my mind off of Parker. It doesn't work.  

At my house I head straight to my dad's room where I've been sleeping. I can't sleep in the same room with Brooklyn. Dad knows something's up with me and Brooklyn but he doesn't ask. He knows not to pry while I'm so fragile.

Except tonight he does.

I enter the house and wave goodbye to Archer as he speeds off. I quickly lock the door, drop my backpack on the floor and run up the stairs. I can feel Brooklyn's eyes on my back but I ignore it. I enter my dad's room and slam the door. I quickly pull on my pajamas and jump straight into the bed. 

My dad enters five minutes later and I feel the bed dip from where he's sitting.

"Manhattan, sweetheart, we need to talk."

I sit up and face him. "Is this about sex? Because I can assure you I am not having it." 

My dad shuffles on the bed and he looks really awkward. "No, but that is comforting to know. It's about Brooklyn. What happened between you two?"

"Dad, I don't think you want to know." 

"I want to."

"For about 10 years now, I've been getting bullied at school." I say slowly and I can see shock register on his face. "And Archer , Will, and Parker are my only friends. The only friends I've made. And Brooklyn is dating the boy who started all my bullying. And she watches him do it. Without saying anything." I take a deep breath before continuing. "Brooklyn was my closest confidant and to see her watch him hurt me? I can't. I just can't Dad." I swipe away at the tears falling down my face. "It's bad enough that my best friend is in the hospital and hasn't even woken up! Archer and Will and I aren't speaking because everything goes back to memories of Parker! And now, Brooklyn's abandoned me." 

My dad wraps his arms around me and lets me cry a little bit before speaking. "I didn't know."

"That's the point. Because you can't do anything." 

"I can talk to Brooklyn if you want?"

"No. If she was a good person she would've broken up with him already."

My life had gone uphill. I got three new best friends and my twin sister was living with me. 

And then everything went downhill.


anyone else feeling down? omg i am. i feel so bad for my characters. i created this disaster! very depressing. i loved the tone of this chapter, though.



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