Chapter 8

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Imagine my surprise when I was awoken by a boy's voice yelling, "Fuck!"

I immediately jolted up. "What's going on?"

Archer Scott sat up beside me. "Is there a fire?" He demanded. "Are we going to die?"

Will Griffin got up and rubbed his eyes. "No. It's just Parker in the kitchen."

"Oh," Archer said. "So we're going to die." 

I grip Archer's strong shoulders and look deeply into his eyes. Archer's eyes widen. "Archer, since we're dying, I just wanted you to know that you are my least favorite."

"Gee, thanks."

I grin cheekily at him. "My pleasure." 

I get up and lock myself in the bathroom to change. There's something horribly awkward about changing in a boy's bathroom. Like, actually changing. I even put on a new bra! The fact that three seriously attractive boys were just outside the door made me even more awkward.

To my horror, when I looked in the mirror I discovered that my hair was a mess. Groaning, I pulled out an elastic and threw my hair up into a bun. It was the best I could do for now. I quickly washed my face before walking out to find the boys waiting for me.

"I tried making breakfast but I ended up burning everything, so we're just going to have to get something at the airport," Parker said apologetically.

I waved him off. "It's fine, Parker. I'm not that hungry."

"I am," Archer piped up. Will nudged him to shut up. And that was that. We just headed out the door to go pile into Parker's car. Then we were on our way to the airport.

After an eternity, we finally made it. The car ride was two whole hours of Parker making bad jokes, Will cursing his life, and Archer being grumpy. A mixture of that is enough to make a girl in a bad mood.

And now, Parker and Will were trying to brighten my mood. At least Archer wasn't. He and I were being grumpy together. Until of course, my mood was brightened by an unmistakable flash of blonde. 

"Brooklyn!" I called. 

The blonde turned around and her brown eyes shone. "Manhattan!"

We raced toward each other and fell into an embrace. We kept telling each other how much we missed each other and laughing and crying. Well, Brooklyn cried. I only let a few tears slip out. But could you blame me? My twin sister, who I haven't seen in person for two years, is here!

As I pulled away, I noticed that Brooklyn's eyes were trained on the boys behind me. "And who are these people?" She asked. I noticed how her eyes kept lingering on Archer Scott.

"Oh! Brooklyn, this is Will Griffin, Parker Wilson, and Archer Scott," I introduced. I pointed to each of them as I said their names. I also noticed how Brooklyn's eyes ran up and down their built figures.

There is one thing I don't love about Brooklyn. She's a flirt. I totally am okay with girls flirting with boys they're attracted to, but Brooklyn flirts with people's boyfriends as well. Which isn't exactly a good thing to do. The way she's looking at the boys right now makes me feel uncomfortable. Like they're her dinner or something.

"So, I'm starving. Can we get something to eat?" I ask. I'm trying to distract myself from the way Brooklyn is smiling flirtatiously at Archer. I'm not jealous. Just a little bit disturbed.

"Oh, I never eat in the morning," Brooklyn says. "Don't you remember that, Hattie?" 

I blink. I never eat in the morning? Seriously? 

"I guess I forgot," I said with obvious discomfort. Parker, Will and I share a look. Archer is too busy trying to inch away from Brooklyn. 

Parker clears his throat. "Well, I'm hungry and I could definitely eat."

"Great!" Will exclaims. "It's decided. Let's go eat." 

Will starts leading us around the airport until we find a McDonald's. As Will orders for us, Parker nudges me. 

"Hey, you okay? You seem a little off," Parker asks in concern.

I nod. "I'm fine. It's just a little awkward for me to watch my sister flirt with Archer. I'm not jealous or anything. It's just weird."

"It is kind of weird," Parker agrees. "Right away she just started flirting with Archer. It's like I'm chopped liver or something!"

I laugh. "Oh please, Parker. The girls at Decker High worship you."

"It's true. I'm irresistible!" Parker grinned boyishly. 

He even flexed, making me laugh harder. I felt a hand tug me away from Parker. I turned to be face to face to my twin sister. I looked at her in surprise. 

"Oh, Hattie! I really like Archer!" She whispered giddily. "Try to get him to ask me out. Please."

I strain a smile. "Brooklyn, you just met him. Shouldn't you wait a little bit?" 

"He seems like such a great guy! I don't want to wait on that! Other girls will try to steal him," Brooklyn shakes her head. 

I open my mouth but Brooklyn cuts me off. "I knew you would do it! Thanks, Hattie!" Then she prances off back to Archer Scott, who looks a bit uncomfortable. 

I blink.

Well then.


triple update! wow! 

i really don't like brooklyn and i'm creating her ... whoopsies daisies 



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