Chapter 3

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"With our friendship, we have a few rules that go along with it. Just to insure that nobody's feelings get hurt and there is no awkwardness," Will begins.

Parker continues for Will. "Rule one, no one dates Manhattan from inside our little circle."

"Am I really that revolting?" I ask, a little hurt. 

I understand well enough that I'm not exactly pretty, but I never thought I was disgusting. But of course the three most gorgeous boys in the world would think I'm not good enough for them. Every other boy in the world thinks that. Why would these boys think any different?

"That's not what he means, Manhattan," Archer said. "What he means is that if none of us date you and the inevitable break up happens, the other two won't have to take sides. Or deal with the tension." 

My eyes grew wide with realization. "Oh," Was all I could say. 

"Rule two, we have the right to protect you," Parker continues.

"Protect me?" I question. For once, Parker Wilson looks uncomfortable. Will's eyes look anywhere but me. It's only Archer that has the nerve to answer me.

"We can make a very educated guess that those bruises on your arms aren't caused by a fall. We've got the muscle," He says nonchalantly. Archer's voice softens slightly as he adds, "We can protect you from ever being hurt like that again."

I look down, feeling the boys' gazes on me. When I don't say anything, Will takes that as a hint to carry on. "Rule three, we stick together. No petty arguments or fights will ever get between us." 

I look back up at the boys. All of their eyes look so sincere that I want to believe them. I'm about to say that I agree to their terms but I remember there's always cons. 

If I'm seen with any of the boys, people will make comments on how I'm seducing yet another boy. Girls will attack me for stealing their beloved golden boys away from them. I'll be called their little slut, someone they use when they please. My situation could get worse. But there was an undeniable pro that I couldn't ignore.

I would have friends. 

Looking at him, I knew that Will would be one I could trust. He was sincere and gentle. If I became friends with Will Griffin, I think he would be the one I'd go to for my secrets. And I know he wouldn't tell anyone anything I told him. He'd be someone I could confide in.

Archer Scott would be the one who was protective over me. He was the kind of guy to let himself get close enough to someone to feel the need to protect them. I had no doubt that if we became friends, if anyone came close to hurting me, Archer would be there to stop them. I could depend on him to protect me. 

And Parker Wilson? He would make me laugh. In my worst moments he would make me laugh. In moments of tears, Parker would make me smile. He could make a bad joke or just flash me that contagious grin of his, and I'd smile. There was something about Parker that made me smile at the thought of his grin. That scared me. 

Looking at these three boys, I knew that this could go horribly awful or turn into something great. My social life would continue it's downhill slant faster or these boys could be what got me through the rest of high school.

Should I take the risk? Jump into something I don't know the outcome of?

"Let's do it." 

And I jumped in. 

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