Chapter 17

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It's been two days since the hospital. I've never felt so alone in my life. When Parker said all those hurtful things to me ... is that what he really thinks of me? Is that what everyone thinks of me? Is that why I'm bullied? 

I don't know what came over me but I began stuffing clothes into a backpack and pulled on black leggings and Archer's navy hoodie that I never gave back. I'm glad I didn't, it reminds me that I still have a friend. I grabbed my keys and didn't bother putting vans over my neon pink socks, holding them in my other hand. 

I just slipped silently down the stairs and out the door. I only bothered to scribble onto a sticky note to my dad saying I was gonna be at a friend's house. Still being a somewhat responsible kid, I locked the door behind me and slipped into my car where I finally slipped the white vans on. I backed out of the driveway and started driving. 

I wasn't really thinking where I was going but I ended up at the hospital. Confused on why I drove to the hospital at midnight, I got out of the car and let my feet take me on their own path. 

I ended up outside of Parker's hospital room. 

I know he hates me, but I entered anyway. I must be consciously sleep walking. I quietly dragged a chair over to his sleeping body and sat down. I took his hand and held onto it. And I cried. I honestly don't know why, but I did. Maybe it's because Parker looks so frail and fragile. Maybe it's because my feelings are hurt. Maybe it's because I lost my best friend. Maybe it's all of the above.

I must've been there for an hour before I got a hold of myself and wiped away my tears with the sleeves of Archer's large hoodie. 

I chuckled sadly, "I'm pathetic, aren't I? Just like you said, Parker."

I got up to leave, but before I did, I squeezed his hand once. It must be my imagination, but he squeezed my hand back. 

I quickly left, rushing back into my car and jamming the key in. I drove and drove straight to Archer's house. I parked in the driveway and got out my phone to text him. 

Manhattan Hood -> Archer Scott

M.H : where r u?

It took him ten minutes to respond.

A.S : it's 1:20 am, Hattan. i'm at home.

A.S : why'd u ask? where r u?

M.H : in ur driveway. i was driving and i ended up here.

A.S :  why r u out so late?

A.S : or early?

M.H : i don't know

A.S : i'll be down soon

M.H : k

I watched as Archer barged out of his house. I watched as he opened the door of my car, leaned over me to unbuckle my seat belt, lifted me out of the car, and pulled me into a hug.

As I buried my face into his chest, he whispered, "You were at the hospital, weren't you?"

All I could do is nod. He pulled me tighter against him.

"Should I call Will?" I asked, still in his arms.

"No, just us tonight. Or this morning," He chuckled. 

I smiled against his chest. "Okay." 

I don't remember much more, just snippets of Archer leading me up to his room where I fell into his bed with him. His arm protectively around my waist. I fell asleep almost immediately.

My serenity was awoken by none other than Will Griffin himself. 

"Archer, have you heard from Manhattan? She won't answer my- oh my God!"

I was so startled that I jolted up and right out of bed with a small shriek.

"Manhattan!" I heard Archer call in shock. "Will? What the heck?"

"Will?" I popped up from the ground to see Will standing shocked in the bedroom doorway.

Will starts hyperventilating. "I got news from the hospital so I tried calling both of you, but you both didn't answer! So I checked Manhattan's house, but her dad said she wasn't home. I decided to come here after, and I find you two spooning!"

"Sure, yell it for all of the world to know, William!" Archer whisper shouted.

"Does your mother not know she is here, OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!"

"Will, we weren't spooning!" I protested.

He snorted, "Yes because arms around each other is not spooning."

"We can explain!" Archer exclaimed.

"You better!"

Archer and I shared a look. Oh boy. 

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