Chapter 7

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parker wilson: come over tonight? will and archer are here, we're having a movie night

manhattan hood: i have to go to the airport tomorrow morning to pick up brooklyn

parker wilson: easy! you'll sleep over here and we'll go pick her up with you!

I look up from my phone and yell, "Dad! Can I stay over at Parker's house tonight?"

My dad sticks his head out of the kitchen. "Parker? Like the boy?" 

"Yes, but I promise that we're completely just friends! I won't even sleep near him!" I promise. "And we're going to pick Brooklyn up tomorrow morning still." 

My dad sighs and nods his head. "Okay. Only because he's your friend."

I smile at my dad, quickly kiss his cheek before running upstairs to pack. I know that the only reason my dad is letting go is because Parker is one of my only three friends. And that my dad feels bad for me. 

I throw a pair of jeans and t-shirt into my backpack, along with my wallet and phone before racing downstairs. "Bye Dad!" I yell. I hear my dad yell a goodbye back as I shut the door. 

It's a short drive to Parker's condo. Parker and his mom live alone. I don't know where his dad is. It never came up. I felt like we aren't close enough to ask yet. We've only been friends for about three weeks. 

"The queen has arrived!" I announce as I walk into the condo. As I plop onto the couch beside Archer, Parker bows and Will laughs. 

Archer rolls his eyes. "You guys are actually three." 

I smile and tap Archer's nose. "You love us."

Archer scoffs. "Sure I do." I make notice of how he's trying to hide a smile. 

"So, what movie are we watching tonight?" I ask Parker. I decide to give poor Archer Scott a break. He has to keep his bad boy reputation. I can't just destroy all that hard work he put into it.

Just thinking that made me laugh. 

"We are watching," Parker pauses for effect. A whole minute and a half passes and Parker still says nothing. 

Will throws a pillow at Parker. "Get on with it!" 

"The Boy," Parker grins mischievously. 

Archer stiffens beside me. "Like, the scary movie?"

"Archer Scott, are you afraid of scary movies?" I gasp. I grin as Archer glares at me.

"No!" Archer says a little too quickly.

Parker rolls his eyes as he sticks the disc into the Blu Ray player. "Deny it all you want, Scott. You're terrified."

I never would've guessed it. The big, bad, and brave Archer West is scared of horror films! I knew that somewhere under his bad boy appearance, there was something about Archer that wasn't so tough. I, myself, had assumed that he liked bunnies but this? This is gold!

"It's okay, Archie," I told Archer. "I'll protect you."

"I hate you all," Archer mutters. 

"You love us, Scott," Parker says.

"Stop denying it," Will agrees. 

Archer shifts in his seat. "Just start the movie!" 

Literally, thirty minutes into the movie Archer begins to shift uncomfortably in his seat. I glance at him. His eyes meet mine and he quickly looks away. I narrow my eyes slightly but I turn back to the movie. Five minutes later, Archer does it again. 

"Archer, I'm trying to watch a movie here!" I whisper furiously.

Archer leans over and whispers, "Sorry." 

Ten minutes after that, Archer reaches over and me and snatches the remote out of Parker's hand like a snake. And then he proceeds to turn off the TV. Archer yelps and quickly turns on the light.

"Archer! What the hell?" I shout. 

"It's getting late, we should get to bed!" Archer replies.

"It's 9:30."

Will stands up. "Actually, he's right. We've got to get up early and go to the airport to get your sister tomorrow." Parker and I share a look at that.

"I hate it when you're right," Parker mutters.

"Amen to that," I agree. We slap a high five. 

I help the boys push back the couch and coffee table to spread a blanket on the ground. Parker gives us all a pillow and a blanket. After we've all changed into our pajamas and brushed our teeth, we settle onto the ground. And I find myself between Archer Scott and Parker Wilson.

Just as fatigue begins to settle over me, I feel an arm being thrown over my waist. But the only thing I remember as I started to drift off is the scent of Parker Wilson's cologne. 


double update! these parkhattan feels are getting to me y'all.



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