Chapter 18

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PT. 2 OF FOUR (these chapters have a connected plot if you didn't understand)

"So last night-" I began. Will slaps a hand over my mouth. 

"No. We're doing this my way," He says. 

15 seconds later, Archer is kicked out of his own room, the lights are off, the shades are drawn, a single chair is placed into the center of the room, and a lamp is clutched in Will's hand.

"Onto the chair!" Will commands. 

I quirk an eyebrow at him but does as he says. He jerks forward resting a hand above my shoulder and the other holding the lamp close to my temple.

"Where were you the night of the incident?" Will asks in a low voice. I give him a look and he corrects himself.

"I mean, where were you the beginning of the night of the incident."

"So, basically you want me to start from the beginning."

"Dammit Manhattan, you take the fun out of everything!"

"Whatever. I was at my house when I felt the sudden urge to leave, so I packed up some stuff and drove to the hospital. I visited Parker and then left. I accidentally drove straight to Archer's place, cried a little, and fell asleep. We were not in that position when I fell asleep. Promise!"

"Pinky promise?"

I laughed, "I swear, every day you get a little more comfortable around me." But I hooked my pinky with his anyway.

He finally pulled the lamp away from me and helped me up. "Mr. Scott, it's your turn!" As I walked out of the room, I could've sworn Will winked at me.

As Will, or Detective Griffin, bombarded Archer with questions I sat on the top step of the stairs, chin rested on my hands. I was sitting in silence for a few minutes before I heard the front door open.

"Oh my God," I whispered in panic. I scrambled up from the step and looked frantically for a place to hide. But it was too late, Archer's mom had already seen me.

"Hello," Archer's mom said in shock.

"Hi!" I smiled cheerfully. I awkwardly waved. 

Suddenly, Archer's door burst open. He ran out wrapping an arm around my waist and burying his head into my shoulder attempting to hide in my petite frame. "Manhattan, Will is killing me!" He burst. When he looked up, he yelped and jumped away from me. "Mom!"

Will scoffed. "They obviously lied to the detective." I shot him a glare and he threw his hands up in surrender. 

"Archer Alexander Elias Scott!" Mrs. Scott  exclaimed.

"Is that middle name really necessary?" Will muttered under his breath to me. I shrugged. 

"Why did you not tell me you had a girlfriend?" Mrs. Scott demanded. This caught my attention. 

"What?" I asked the same time Archer shouted, "Mom!" Will swayed on his feet and I'm afraid he'll faint soon.

"I better get going. Oh, Archer, this is exciting! Your first girlfriend!" Mrs. Scott coos. "Hello, dear!" She smiles at me. I smile back awkwardly. 


"Right, it was very nice meeting you!" Mrs. Scott scurried off. She was a petite and sorta plump little thing, but she seemed so sweet.

"That was the most embarrassing thing I have ever been involved in!" Archer groaned. I buried my face in my hands and I felt his arms go around me, pulling me close to his body.

"Sorry, Archer . I didn't mean for that to happen," I mumbled, my voice muffled against his chest.

"It's okay, Hattan." I felt him place his chin on my head.

"Room, now!" Will shouted. Archer and I jerked apart. We shuffled into the room awkwardly, with Will's intense glare on our backs. 

Will glared at us. "I think you two have something to confess!"

"We're friends, Will!" I protested.

"Friends do not sit that close to each other!"

Archer and I look at our closeness at the same time, and I'm shocked to see that our shoulders are pressed tightly against each other. Again, we jerked apart until there was a foot between us.

"Rules people, the rules!" Will shouted.

I raised a hand in the air, "May I?"

"You may," Will nodded and crossed his arms.

"If I do recall, you said we were all too close to even use the rules anymore. The rules are meaningless, you said that yourself," I said, spreading my hands out.

Archer grinned. "What she said."

Will shrugs. "I guess you have a point." 

"Let's create something like a contract!" Archer said. "If, only IF, Manhattan and I have feelings for each other, shouldn't we at least have the opportunity to try to be together?" Archer didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he just started clicking away at his laptop. 

When he was done, he printed out the new contract and handed it to me. 

I didn't even read it and didn't hesitate to quickly write my name under it. I gave it to Will who hesitated about a second before writing his signature in his lazy drawl.

While he was writing it, I let myself imagine a world where Archer and I were together. The thought wasn't that bad. It was funny how I used to imagine me and Parker just for fun, but now I can't imagine a world where Parker would want me in it.

"There's one more line. For who?" Will asked, pointing it out.

"Isn't it obvious? It's for Parker."

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