Chapter 15

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You know how in every love story or teen movie, there's always a line that makes hormonal teenage girls reblog it everywhere? For example, from The Fault in Our Stars it's "Okay? Okay." But there's also a line about miracles. The miracle that is one another in some corny ass romance novel. Well, I got a miracle too.

Parker Wilson is awake.

But let's go back to the beginning of today, shall we?


I'm sitting silently in my calculus class, spacing out from Mr. Snodgrass' pointless droning about calculators. Honestly, why does he even bother? He must know that no one ever pays attention right? All everyone ever does is go on Mrs. Egraybot's (the other calculus teacher) website and watch her daily class videos. It's the only way to get an A, which is pretty fucking important to me. Just saying.

But anyway, as you can see, nothing every happens in this class. People falling asleep with their eyes open, passing notes, even making origami! Lots of kids do their homework due next period in this class. But not me, because I'm not a procrastinator. Anything but paying attention pretty much.

So imagine our surprise when Will Griffin and Archer Scott ran into our classroom, panting and their eyes wild.

I honestly thought they either 1) was high or 2) had rabies. And by the looks on everyone else's faces, so did they.

"Manhattan, he's awake!" Will says in a breathy voice. He and Archer have huge smiles on their faces.

I slowly stand up from my seat in the middle of the classroom. I can feel everyone's eyes staring lasers into my body. I can't seem to say anything.

He's awake.

That repeats over and over in my brain.

He's awake. He's awake. Parker's awake.

And then I snap out of the daze I was in.

"What?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"He's awake, Hattan. We can go," Archer smiles softly at me. A sob racks my chest and I grab my backpack from the floor. The three of us run out of the classroom and into the hall.

Vice principal Sanchez catches is running and the hall and screams at us to stop and go to her office. I am the first to stop running. Archer and Will only stop when they notice I'm not running with them anymore.

I hold a hand up to stop vice principal Sanchez's yelling, and she stops in surprise. "He's awake." I simply say. She closes her mouth and nods for us to continue on our way. I smile at her thankfully and we continue sprinting out of the school.

"My car!" Will manages to pant as we sprint. Will goes to the driver's seat, Archer in the passenger, and me in the back's middle seat. As usual.


"Guys." I say suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Archer and Will ask.

"We've gotten so used to Parker being in the hospital that we've gotten into a daily routine. Our usual." I pause, unsure if I continue or not.

"Keep going...." Will trails off, his eyes catching mine in the rearview mirror.

"So, now that Parker's awake, what happens now?" I ask. It's the question we are all thinking. Archer opens his mouth but closes it. He shuts his eyes. As if avoiding the question and all the issues that will follow after answering. As if avoiding the world.

After an eternity long silence, Will finally speaks. "I don't know, Manhattan. I don't know."


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