Chapter 21

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I officially live at Archer Scott's house. And Will Griffin's house. And Parker Wilson's condo. Basically anywhere but home. For the time being at least. I'll move back in when Brooklyn moves back to the other side of the country. But I'm not complaining. I mean, who wouldn't want to live with their best friends? 

It was hard to explain to my dad, who I love a ton, that I want to move out for a month or two until my she-devil of a step-sister/ex best friend moves back out. And that we hate each other's guts now. Luckily, I didn't have to. My principal called my dad and explained the situation at school to him, my dad understood when he found me packing up my things. I still have to call him everyday, telling him how I am and stuff, but otherwise I'm fine. As fine as a girl who lost her sister to a bully. No biggie.

"I bring popcorn and Sourpatch Kids!" Archer grins, walking into his living room where I was waiting. 

A large bowl of popcorn in one hand and a huge bag of Sourpatch Kids in the other hand. He tosses me the candy which I happily catch. I mostly stay at Archer's house. He says I've completely charmed his parents over. I know for sure they've charmed me over. His mother is absolutely adorable and his dad is hilarious. I notice Archer staring me out of the corner of my eye as I browse Netflix for a movie so we can watch.

"What?" I ask as I pop a yellow candy in my mouth.

"Nothing," He shrugs. I'm about to press the button to turn on a Disney movie when I notice he's staring at me again.

I look at him strangely. "What?"


I lean over the couch, feeling my t-shirt ride up my stomach, to turn off the light. When it's off, I pull my tank top back down and turn on the movie. We sit in silence for a moment, but as soon as the word TANGLED pop up onto the TV I turn to look at Archer. He's staring at me again. 

"Seriously, what?"


"I don't believe you!" I exclaim, jumping up onto my feet. I cross my arms, about to lean over to turn on the light and end our movie night. But Archer takes my arm and pulls me back to face him. He's standing up too. I didn't notice. "What?" I snap.

"I don't understand what you're getting so angry about, Manhattan!" Archer whisper yells. Although there's no need too. Archer's parents are out for the night.

"You keep looking at me weird but you won't tell me why!"

"Is that seriously why?" He sounds angry now. Like I'm stupid for being mad about this.

"Yes! It's bothering me and you know that!" 

Maybe I'm picking a fight with him for no reason. I don't know why. I've been doing this a lot lately, picking fights with Archer. We're a little different now. He doesn't touch me as often as he used to. I don't know how I feel about this. 

Archer runs a hand angrily through his dark hair, messing it up. "Why are you being like this? You've been like this for two weeks and I don't know why! You've been picking fights with anyone within your sights, do you blame me for waiting for you to pick a fight with me for no reason?"

"You were provoking me? You basically started this idiotic fight then!"

"Are you being serious, Manhattan? Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?" 

I let out a shriek of frustration. "I'm done! I'm so done! I can't stay here anymore!" I walk out quickly, running up the stairs.

"Manhattan! Manhattan, get back down here!" Archer shouts.

I ignore him, stomping right into my guest room, slamming and locking the door. I throw my clothes out of the closet, out of the dresser, and stuffing it into my duffel bag. I know that this is stupid, and I know that I'm being stupid. 

Why am I acting like this? I don't even know. I've been different for two weeks now. Archer's banging on the door, telling me to open it and let him in, but I don't listen. Just pack and pack and pack. When I've taken everything I own and put it into my two duffel bags, I notice that the banging has ended. 

Tentatively, I tiptoe to the door and open it a crack to peer out. But the vulnerability of the door being slightly opened lets a certain strong brunette boy open all the quickly. The sudden swinging of the door knocks me down and I land on my butt with a thud. I look up to see a mad looking Archer Scott.

I quickly stand up and grab my bags. "Excuse me, you're blocking my way."

He doesn't say a word, just narrows his eyes. He slowly walks toward me and I don't realize I'm walking backward until I hit the wall. He grabs the bags from me and throws them to the side. "You aren't going anywhere, Manhattan." 

I put my hand on my hip. "You are not the boss of me." Way to go Manhattan. Picking another fight.

"Well someone needs to be if you keep acting like a child!" Archer shouts. This is by far our most heated and idiotic fight.

"I am not acting like a child!" I know it's a lame comeback but I couldn't think of anything else. "And whether or not you are the boss of me, it is my decision, not yours!"

Archer chuckles darkly. "Do you not hear yourself right now? You are the epitome of 'acting like a child'."

"I'm done. I'm done." I shove away from him and grab my bags again. "I'm getting out of here."

"Manhattan." His voice isn't harsh anymore. He grabs my arm and spins me around so I face him. 

"What?" I snap. I pretend I didn't see him wince. 

"Why are you acting like this?"

"This is me, Archer. And if you don't like it, let me go!"

"This isn't you and you know that, Manhattan!" 

"Let. Me. Go." Surprisingly, he lets me go. 

"Fine, go. Pretend that we don't have anything between us at all!" Archer sounds hurt. I shrug loose of his hold and turn to go again.

Pretend that we don't have anything between us at all. 

I stop suddenly, turning back to face him I whisper, "What?"

Archer looks as shocked as I feel. "I-I didn't mean it! I just wanted to, you know, make you stop!"

This outrages me. "What?" I repeat. "You can't just say something like that!" I yell.

"Why not?" His voice is rising too. 

"Because you don't mean it! Friends don't just say things like that just to get someone to stop!" I'm mad again. I know it's stupid-that I'm being stupid but I don't know why this makes me so mad.

"Friends can say anything to the other, no matter what!"

"Not if you don't mean it!" I scream, getting up in his face angrily. What happens next... I still don't understand.

Archer and I are centimeters apart, panting heavily, eyes blazing with anger. But then he closes the space between us, grabbing my face in his hands and bringing his lips to mine. As our lips move together, my subconscious is screaming at me that this is a terrible idea. But my lips tell me it's an amazing idea. 

I'm kissing Archer.

Oh my God. I'm kissing Archer.

I pull away from his suddenly. His lips are red from kissing. Kissing me. I shake my head slowly.

"Um, I have to go." I grab my bags and race out of the house, ignoring Archer's calls behind me.

I need to go. 

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