Chapter 28: Will Griffin

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"Woohoo! Road trip with my favorite fucktards!" Parker whoops loudly, pumping his fist in the air. His loudness attracts stares from passerby and glares from the elderly.

"More like search party," Archer mumbles. He's still staring at the slip of paper.

Parker sighs dramatically. "Call it whatever the fuck you want, fucktard one. I still wanna have fucking fun, fuck!"

An old lady passing by stops to scold Parker. "Young man, please refrain from the use of language!"

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, it's a fucking free country." He sticks his nose into the air and crosses his arms. The lady looks like she's about two seconds away from spanking him.

"I personally apologize for my friend's behavior. He just got out of a coma so his head is a little funky, ma'am. I'm so sorry," Archer leads the woman away slowly, shooting a cackling Parker a glare as he does so.

"Fuck, that was fucking funny!" Parker continues cackling.

I give him a look. "Hm, I wonder what your favorite word is," I drawl sarcastically.

Parker throws an arm over my shoulders, grinning like a mad man. "I'm pretty sure the whole world knows that my favorite word is fuck."

"You only just scream it for the world to know."

Parker pouts. "Stop fucking grumbling, it's killing my vibes." Parker uses two of his insanely long fingers to push my lips up to a smile. I smack his hand away, snickering as he holds his hand in pain.

"Dammit, fucktard two! That hurt!" Parker glares, cradling his left hand.

"Don't you mean 'that fucking hurt'?" I continue snickering as Parker's glare intensifies.

It is too easy to get him riled up. Parker lunges at me and I narrowly jump out of the way. I reach out for him but Archer's body gets between us, holding our shirt collars in each hand.

"Listen up, idiots, we know where Manhattan is so we're gonna go get her. Then, and only then, you two can kill each other. Understood?" Archer growls, death glare galore.

"Day-um! Yessir, fucktard one!" Parker has the audacity to salute at Archer who cracks a grin.

Archer shakes his head grinning and drops our collars. "I swear, you two are like children."

"Are not!" I protest, crossing my arms.

Then uncrossing them at the thought that it was a childish behavior. A moment of silence passes before Parker snorts and we burst out laughing. We stumble out back to the parking lot to my car, pushing and shoving each other.

We all stop shoving when we see a little slip of white paper fly loose out of Parker's hand. Watch in silence as it flies away, up, up, and up. When it's nearly as tall as five feet into the air, we start scrambling on top of the car to catch it. It grazes my finger as I jump and narrowly miss it.

Archer slumps onto the hood of the car, head in his hands, and heaves a long sigh. "That was the last chance we had to find her. She's really gone now, isn't she? It's over for us. We couldn't even get a chance to try harder."

Parker sighs too, deeper even. "And by 'over for us' and 'we couldn't even try harder', you aren't talking about the search party. It's okay bud, we know you're talking about the relationship."

"Am I still a man if I want to cry that it's over? And that you just said something smart?"

"Kinda. I never say something smart. Even I wanna cry for that!"

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