Two Dimensional Dreams

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"Tick tock tick tock tick tock."
He flashes into a short sleep. Awake again quicker than he thought. The clock on the wall seems to get larger and larger with every noise it makes. "Tick tock tick tock tick tock" He says. He stands up and looks around the plain black room he's in. The walls are closing in slowly. The ceiling rips off into pieces with a loud roar and he starts to run. It's white outside of the room. The room expands in the direction he is running making the clock get farther and farther away. He stops running and looks back behind him out of breath and shaking. The tall blonde is standing in front of him crying blood. "Mitch. Why would you run from me?" He asks. Mitch runs to him as quick as he could, but as soon as he gets there, Scott is gone. He goes back in the direction of the clock and begins to run again. This time, the clock doesn't go anywhere. He punches through the glass enough to give him cuts on his knuckles and make his arm sore. The hands stop moving and he steps one foot inside. The glass he previously shattered closes back up around the clock and he's trapped. On the other side of the glass, He sees Scott touching the glass with blood rushing out of his eyes. "Scott!" Mitch yells from inside of the clock. "I'm too late." Scott cries. Mitch reaches for Scott's face to touch his cheek, but his hand touches the glass between them. "Scott. I need you." Mitch whispers. He blinks the tears from his eyes and sits down on the broken, still minute hand of the clock staring at Scott. He closes his eyes and pictures sleeping. He opens his eyes and Scott's  tears go from blood to regular tears and Mitch is no longer sitting inside a broken clock, but on a bench in a park. There's no wind out and not a tree in sight. And nothing between the two of them. He stands up and runs to Scott who is crying and smiling at him. Mitch jumps on him engulfing him in the biggest hug he can. Scott squeezes him and presses sweet kisses to Mitch's shoulder and neck. Scott is the first to pull away leaving his arms around Mitch's torso resting them on his hips. "You have to go Mitch." He says. "Where?"
"Back home. Don't worry I'll meet you there." Scott says.
"What? I can't!" Mitch frustratedly complains.
"Mitch, I love you but you have to go and I'll meet you there." Scott says holding Mitch's cheeks in his hands. He kisses Mitch sweetly on the lips, then on the cheek. Mitch blushes and smiles sadly. "I don't know where to go."
"I can't show you." Scott says letting go of Mitch. He turns around and blinks.
I wake up sweating feverishly and coldly. I feel nauseous and confused. I'm not sure what had just happened but it felt like a dream but I didn't know I fell asleep. I run to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I sit on the floor with my head in my hands. I can't quite explain what just happened inside my head and I'm sure not going to tell Scott. I heard a couple knocks on the door and I nervously jump. "Mitch? Are you okay?" Scott asks. "Um yeah sure I'm fine Scott." I say noticing a shake in my voice. "Mitch I'm coming in." He says while picking the lock and walking in. "Mitch what's going on?" Scott says crouching down to my level and sitting down next to me rubbing my back in circles. His gentle touch made me calm down and relieve my tension. "Scott. I don't know w-what to say." I stutter. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me right now. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm gonna head back to sleep now." He said getting up on his knees and kissing the top of my head lightly. "Okay. Thanks Scott. For understanding." "No problem. I'm always here for you no matter what." He says standing up and stretching his arm out for me to grab. I grab his hand and pick myself up with his help. I walk out of the bathroom behind him almost using him as a shield from whatever I was afraid of. "Night Mitch, I love you." He says in a raspy, tired voice. "Love you too." I say trying to hold back my smile by biting my bottom lip. He shuts his door and I stand there with my hand on the cold doorknob to my room. I shut my door from the outside and turn to Scott's door. I stand in front of it as if its taunting me and telling me not to go inside. I lay a hand on his doorknob and hesitate to go inside.  fuck it. I turn the knob and Scott shifts to sit up and look at me. I stand there like a deer in the headlights. "Mitch?" he pretty much asks flickering his eyes. "U-um I-"
"Come here Mitchie. It's okay." he says sweetly with opening the covers for me. I can feel my cheeks reddening and my chest feels warmer. I walk hesitantly toward Scott's large bed and stand in front of it. He takes my hand and pulls me on it and I help guide myself so I am laying down. He intertwines our fingers and fixes the covers over me so I am completely submerged in it. He lets go of my hand and turns so he is facing me. He stares into my eyes and I do the same. "Thanks for letting me sleep here." I say. "No problem." He adds. He snakes his arm around my hip and rests his hand on my lower back pulling me into his chest. I love the feeling of his hands holding a firm grip on me. His other hand goes to the back of my head slowly stroking my hair. I exhale as if it's getting rid of my fears and worries. I lay my arm around his back and smile into his chest. Before I know it I'm asleep again.
I'm on a black box in the middle of the ocean. It's elevated by 100 or so feet and I can see the storm clouds getting closer. A few drops of black ink fall from the grey sky. I jump on the box and it goes down toward the water. I jump again and it goes down even further. The ink falls a bit faster now. I jump again and my feet are in the clear water. The ink seems to disappear once it hits the water. I jump again and my whole lower half is covered in the freezing water. I shudder and notice the ink is coming down like a full on rainstorm. I submerge my entire body in the water. A few feet below me I see nothing but black and I can breathe. I swim down as far as I can and the ocean floor seems to curve up. I look around and to my far left I see him. Scott. He's not moving and  his eyes are closed. I swim to him as fast as I can hoping he hasn't drowned. I look up and see the blue water being pelted by black. He is roped to the box that I was standing on. I think about it for a little bit. He wouldn't be all the way down here if the box. didn't move. I put him here. I jumped so I could escape the storm. I feel a wave of anger and regret and hug him as tight as I can. I cry even though I can't feel the tears running down my cheeks. I break him free of the rope and see where the rope burned his arm. I killed him. He could've been above the water waiting for me. He could've been yelling at me and all I could do was escape from the storm. I wish I could've been the one to go under the water tied to that box. I feel so empty. I kiss his dead lips and swim up to the surface of the water. The storm has stopped but there is no box for me to stand on anymore. I go back under the water.
I sit up in Scott's bed and begin to cry. I look to my side and he is there next to me. He shifts and sits up with me. "Mitch what's going on please you have to tell me." He strains. He pulls my cold hands from my face and holds them in his. His hands are warm and his stare is frightened. "I don't know what to say." I sniffle. "Mitch please I need to know what's hurting you." He says sincerely. "You." I say bluntly. "I have these dreams and it's not an average bad dream. It's like a terrible unrealistic scenario that I can't escape from. I had this one earlier and that's why I woke up." I said. "Well can you at least tell me what happens in these dreams?" Scott forces. "It's really hard to explain but at the end of every one of them it always ends up with us not being together and I can't handle that." I choked out letting a few tears escape my burning eyes. Scott pulled me onto his lap cradling me and combing his fingers through my hair. "I'll never leave you." He whispered to me. "Promise?"
"I promise."
I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed my head. "Let's go back to sleep okay? Let me know if  anything happens." Scott says. I nod and he lays down pulling me down and holding me tight and close. I kiss his chest near his heart where my head rests and fall asleep.
I blink my eyes open and I'm at the top of a building on a balcony. I look down and see him on the ground. "Mitch! Come down!" He yells at me from below smiling. I run down the stairs from the top and descend as fast as I could so I can see him. Scott turns to me and hugs me tight. He grabs my hand we walk together until we reach a wooded area behind the city. I stop walking and close my eyes. And when I open them, he is still there beside me.

YAY MY FIRST LONG ONE SHOT DO WE LOVE IT? Leave me comments and make sure to vote!!! love y'all bunches and it's been a while and I hope to update more often❤️ ~Clairberries

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