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*Scott's POV*
"Well here we go again Mitch. Do you have everything?" I ask. "Yeah let's get going. I'm so tired." He answers. He yawns  and covers his mouth gently while walking over to me. He lazily wraps his arms around my waist, rests his head on my chest and hums. I squeeze him lightly and kiss his temple sweetly. We are going back on tour again after 2 weeks  off. It's not much of a break but to better than nothing. I just can't wait for some alone time with Mitch. We are always so close when we're on tour  and I'm pretty sure it's because it's just us and we don't have to deal with everyone else back at home. "Hey let's go babe we don't need to be late. We can cuddle once we get on the bus okay?" I ask him. "Fine ughhhh I need coffee." He sassed. "I'll make sure you get plenty of that." I assured him. He backs away from me and opened the door. I grab his suitcase and mine and wheel them out of the door locking it back in place. We hop in my car, me driving and were on our way to Starbucks first. By the time I get in the drive through line, Mitch is asleep. I ordered his and my usual order and pick it up. "Mitchie get up." I whisper nudging him lightly on the arm. He hums in response. "I got you coffee." His eyes dart around the car and land on me. "Thanks babe." He says. "No problem love." I respond. I feel my cheeks get hotter and know I am blushing. I just hope he was too.
We arrive at the gas station where the tour bus is and get out of the car. I head to the trunk and take out our belongings. "I'm heading inside." He says. "Alright I'll be right there." I add. I quickly grab the luggage and wheel it to the bus as Mitch walks up the steps. As soon as he is on I pull them over the steps and drop them on the floor. I automatically see everyone else sitting on the couch. "Hey Scott!" Kirstie exclaimed. "Hey." I chucked as she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "Hey Scott." Kevin and Avi say in unison and both walk up to me. I obviously bro hugged both of them but since we were all tired there wasn't much of a conversation. I noticed Mitch run over to his bed immediately. I walk over to it and sit down On the edge of the bed. "Hey." I said with whispery tone. "Hey." He responds. I lay a hand on his shoulder and he exhales. "Whatcha doing?" He asks me playfully. "Being with you." "Why?" "Cause I want to is there a problem?" I ask him. "No stay here. Please. He says and grabs my arm. "Fine." I sass back at him. I had no plans to leave anyways. His grip on my arm becomes stronger as he sits up next to me. He puts an arm around my shoulders and one over my chest. "What?" I laugh out. He pulls me down with all of his weight to the bed. I barely move and it seems like he is in mid air and the only thing keeping him from falling is his grip on me. "Dammit!" He exclaims. Shhhh" I correct him. "Sorry." He apologizes. "Whatever I would've cuddled with you anyways." I said sincerely. "Really?" He asks. I stare into his chocolate brown eyes and smile. "Of course." "Shut up you big loser." He teases. "I loooovvvveeee yoooouuuu" I sing to him. "Oh my god stop!" He laughs. "Love you too." He adds. I lay down on the tiny bed  and pat the space next to me. "This bed is literally so tiny" he sasses. "We are not going to fit on this I swear." "Believe in yourself." I respond. He gives me the look you never want to get from your mom. "Wow" He slow claps. I hold in my laughter.  "Okay well I'm going to sleep on the couch have fun by yourself." He says standing up from the bed. "No!" I whine. I wrap my arms around his waist and connect my hands at his stomach pulling him back down. I pull him on top of me with his back on my chest. "You know this is exactly how I wanted to fall asleep." He says with a giggle. "Oh me too." I laugh. He entangles his legs with mine and I re fasten my hands over his stomach as he lay his hands on mine. "You know I always thought it would be the other way around." He adds. "What do you mean?" "You on top me on bottom." He states. "Yeah well I would crush you if you mean like how we are now, but I think I like the other way I could've taken that sentence." He laughs and hits my hand. "What?" "Stop. But I like to think about it that way too." He concluded. "Actually lets go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow." I say exhaling. "I know." He says and slides off of me to my side and I lay an arm over his shoulders. He snakes an arm over my stomach and his head rests in the crook of my neck. He feels so comfortable and warm on me. I feel like I could stay here forever. "Gnight" He mumbles. "Night." I say.
I wake up to find Mitch still fast asleep under my arm and decide to not wake him. I attempt to slide out of the bed but his grip is too strong around me. I gently free myself from his arms and kiss the top of his head lightly. I'm met by a half asleep Kirstie sprawled out on the couch on her laptop. "What time is it?" I ask her. "Uhh 8:23." She says. "It's too early. I just don't want Mitch to wake up grumpy." I add. "Good point." She nods. I sit down on the couch and not even a minute later Mitch crawls out of the small bed and onto the couch. I open my arms to him and he falls into them sitting down next to me. He closes his eyes and keeps his arms tight around my shoulders. "Awww he's still tired." Kirstie gushed. I lay an arm around his back and rubbed circles on it gently. "I know, it was rough falling asleep last night in that stupid bed." I say softly to not disturb Mitch. He exhales with a soft hum and re adjusts his head on my bicep. "This is literally so cute to witness oh gosh!"  Kirstie exclaims putting her hands on her cheeks and smiling. "Your welcome." I giggle. She pushes my arm playfully and I lean over to Mitch's side more. "I didn't say you were cute" "But I am." "Whatever." She shoots back. I close my eyes and relax. I am going to really enjoy this tour.

I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE TIRED IN MY WHOLE LIFE. I've been awake literally for more than 24 hours and I just got back home from Hawaii and I'm exhausted omg I left Hawaii at 10 PM then arrived in Arizona early in the morning cause there's a time difference, then in Houston its 2 hours ahead of Arizona and We got home at 2:00 PM Central time so ugh it's confusing and I need a shower cause the last thing I did in Hawaii was swim. In the ocean. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL THOUGH SICHALSJOACHIS. but still omg I hope you all have an awesome day and enjoy this one shot!❤️❤️❤️❤️ love yall so much!!!
~Clairberries💋🍇and I chose the grape cause it looks closest to a berry besides the strawberry😂

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