Don't You Want To See a Man Up Close? PART I

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Thank you Kurt for looking over this I love you so much!!!! I hope y'all like this sorry for teasing you it was just more fun ;) There will be a part 2 just saying but thank you guys for 1.5k reads it means the world to me I love every single one of you a lot.❤️
*Mitch's POV*
My whole life I've been separated from the other kids. I was bullied plenty and I still am. I was Isolated from the rest of boys.
My best friend and the love of my life is Scott. I would love for us to be more than friends and not being able to touch him makes me want to do terrible terrible things to him. I'm always shy with him to avoid contact or else I'll be punished by no one other than myself. I never ever thought that I would say, I'm afraid of the life that I've made. At school I was made fun of and pushed around until I just wasn't allowed to do anything at all for my "protection" or to defend myself which is where he comes in handy. Not like I need it but he's way too sweet to let ANYTHING slip by. I swear if anyone even lays a hand on me for anything, he is right there every time. I talk to Scott every single day and not being able to touch him is the hardest thing to do. I wonder what would happen if I did. Just this one time. Today. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and that's what I live by and I don't care. I will often cry myself to sleep or cry in front of him wishing I could hug him and feel his warmth for myself. I know I could but I can't. He can hug me all he wants but I tell him not to. I sometimes hug back but nothing more and so far he hasn't made a move. So I don't keep love around.
I text him and we decide to meet up at my house in the evening. He doesn't know what I have planned and he won't need to. I want to kiss him just this one time. (HA I'm evil)
I hope he loves me enough to at least not leave me. I get my hair done one last time and smooth out my shirt. He should be here any minute. I sit down at the edge of my bed and wait fidgeting my fingers nervously. I hear a knock on our front door and jump. I run down the loud steps and turn the knob. He smiles at me genuinely as if he had just won the lottery. "Hey Scott." I giggle. "H-hi Mitch." He stutters not really paying attention to the words falling out of his mouth. I invite him in and shut the door behind him. I can feel my cheeks get hotter as he puts his arm over my shoulders and we walk to the kitchen. I grab two water bottles from the fridge and toss one to him. We exchange looks multiple times and every time I look at him he grins and looks down at his feet. How I would just hug him forever if I could. But I can't.
"So what have you been up to?" He asks. "Oh nothing much just reading this book for Reading class. It's so boring but I guess it's alright." He came as absolutely close to me as possible and I blushed a fiery red. And then that was it. My breaking point. That was when I knew exactly what I had to do. I just had to break the barriers set in front of me. By whom? Myself. I had to. Ever since my heart was broken before, I've just put myself in this cloud of dont's and never's that involved touching someone I would get attached to and he was just so easy. I just clung to him as close as possible without losing it and I was starting to. And I'm sure he noticed by now as well. He turned a little to the left and looked me in my eyes. The blush on my cheeks never failing to stay when he says anything to me. "Mitch?" He asked. "Yeah." I said looking down at my feet as he had done with me. "Why won't you let yourself touch me? Is it because you're afraid of me?" He asked with sadness in his crystal blue eyes filled with love and I felt like I was about to cry. I swallowed heavily. "No. I mean I'm not afraid of you I-" He cut me off. "Mitch you have to give me a chance. I promise I won't hurt you." He said looking in my eyes as if he could read my mind. I looked at him and I just couldn't hold back anymore. That's when I let go. I moved myself so I was right in front of him and our faces were inches apart. He grabbed my sides and I lay my hands on his hips. A new kind of feeling rushed through my veins and it felt strange. Like an electric cable was sewn into every part of my body shocking me back to life.
He bit his velvet pink bottom lip holding back a smile that crept on his beautiful lips. I kept my stare on his lips as he kept his on my eyes. Before I even thought about it, I leaned in toward his face struggling to reach his mouth with my height. He closed the space between us by leaning his face down and connecting our lips. He lingered on for a few seconds and pulled me closer to his chest. We pulled away and he was blushing furiously as was I probably. My stomach seemed to do flips the longer I stayed in his arms. I felt like a huge rush of heat and relief washed over me and it was so foreign but somehow I liked it. The same electricity rushed through my veins and my arms started to go weak. My lips started to tremble and I licked them softly in hopes of never losing that feeling of his. He pulled me into his warm chest and I rest my head on it near his heart holding him as tight as I could. He seemed to hold me against him like he would never let go. He kept his lips on my head and I felt safe.
My breathing slowed to a steady pace and I dug my nose into his arm. Scott held me closer against him and started sweetly shushing me. His sweet murmurs and his warm breath making me melt into him even more. I hadn't even noticed that I had started crying quietly. It was all so surreal. Had I finally let down my guard? No. I couldn't have. Too long since I've been a fool. But I did. I did but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I cried a bit louder not to get his attention, but because I was seriously frustrated with myself. Choked sobs escaped my lips and I didn't intend to sound so hurt. He didn't even question me at all because he knew how hard it must have been for me. He just held me a bit tighter and that was all I needed. He leaned his head down so his warm cheek was against mine. "Baby, I promise to keep you right here forever." he whispered. Tears started flowing from my eyes and onto my burning cheeks. I felt like I couldn't say anything at all. I opened my mouth to say something and he cut me off. "You don't have to say anything, just stay here." He said. He ran his index finger up and down my spine gently. I relaxed to his voice in my ear. Though I try to resist, I still want it all. I could feel the heat rising in my chest with that sentence.

I slam my locker shut after grabbing my textbooks for the rest of the day. I was going to be late anyways, as the hallways were already clearing out. I turn and head off to my next class when I hear someone shouting my name from behind me. I quickly turn my head and see Erick walking toward me without his friends this time. I stand there frozen knowing what he was about to do so I braced myself. I took a shallow breath and tensed my body with my eyes closed. I could hear his loud obnoxious steps getting closer. closer. Until he grabbed my shoulders roughly and held me up. "This is what happens when a fag like you gets in my way" He said through his teeth. He let go of me and I stumbled back onto the ground. He hovered above me and a sharp pain exploded in my cheek where his fist collided with it. My eyes started watering as an initial reaction and he got up from his position and kicked me in the stomach. hard. Then again in the ribs. My torso was in the most amount of pain I had felt in a while. I couldn't breathe and he walked away like nothing happened. He laughed lightly, but evilly and I lay there in excruciating pain. I hear a door open from the other side of the hall a few doors down. Oh great. Another one of his friends here to beat me even more. I hear a familiar voice. "Mitch?" Thank God it's Scott. He runs over to me and kneels down next to my weak body and strokes my cheek. I sit up next to him silently. "Mitch tell me who did this." He said swallowing hard. "It was Erick. None of his friends though." I said grabbing at my sides. "Tell me where he hit you besides the face." Scott said gently taking my hands from my sides and stroking my red, swollen cheek. "I got kicked in the stomach and then again in the ribs on this side." I said pointing to the left half of my torso. Scott swallowed hard and his eyes were glassy. He Wrapped his arms around my but not too tightly, making sure to not disturb my previous wounds. He rest his head in my neck and whispered "I'm so sorry" multiple times. I tried telling him I would be fine, but he would cut me off and say I don't deserve it. Eventually, he helped me up and drove me to his house. He carried me in and lay me down on his bed gently and completely covered me in the warm blanket. "Thank you Scott." I sighed into his blanket. "There's no need to thank me you should never be treated that way." He said looking me deep in the eyes with sympathy. I held my hand out and he grabbed it intertwining our fingers. I felt my body relax at his touch and he gave my hand a squeeze then let go. "I'm going to get you some ice for your cute little face and ribs." He said. He got up from the bed and leaned over me kissing the top of my forehead. I needed him.
I still need him. He is the only to drown out everyone that has hurt me and wash my pain away. He pulled away from me and held my cheeks in his hands. "Do you want to talk now?" He said staring into my eyes. I shook my head no and I guess he noticed my change in expression because he let out an "aww" and started shushing me sweetly. My mind seemed to drift off and wander. His touch my comfort and my lullaby.
I hope you guys see what I did with this one *wink wink* buy wild on iTunes.
Thank you for reading this til the end I hope you guys enjoyed it and make sure to leave me comments I love getting feedback negative or positive!

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