Holiday Break

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Btw this is when they were like 16-17 years old on Christmas break and super fluffy. May do a smutty one #soon so let me know.😉😏

*Scott's POV*
I flutter my eyes open and laying on top of my chest is Mitch. His head resting on my shoulder and his small arms around my sides. I decide not to wake him from his heavenly sleep. His soft pink lips slightly parted producing a quiet snore made me hold him tighter to my body. I lay there with him doing nothing with my eyes closed. After 15 silent minutes passed and he still wasn't up, I began prodding and poking his ribs. He squirmed a bit but didn't wake. "Baby, it's time to wake up." I whispered. He smiled and hugged onto me tighter. "Never." He said holding out the "ever". "Come on please? I won't make you coffee." I said partially to scare him and partially to get us up and going because it's probably noon and his parents probably already blew up his phone with texts making sure he's okay. "Yes you will." He giggled. "No I won't. Get up please it's late and if you don't get up then I'll leave you here alone while I'm with Kirstin." I said matter of factly. He rolled off of me and beside me holding onto my arm. "I'm up." He said with his face in the pillow. "I'll go make coffee." I laughed. I combed his hair down with my fingers and rolled out of bed. My cold feet touched the warm wood tiles and I took my time to the kitchen. Once I made mine and his coffee the way we both like it, he ran up to the counter, grabbed his cup,and sat down on the counter. "Did you check outside?" He asked swinging one leg over the other. "Mitch, you know it doesn't snow in Texas." I said gently. "But it could! Did you even check?" He said raising his eyebrows. "No but I will just for you." I smiled and rubbed his knee. I took my coffee and went up to the window. Frost covered the glass so I slid my warm hand over it and it cleared up. White covered the grass and it seems to keep coming down. "Mitchie come here!" He jumped off the counter and ran up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I told you!" He yelled. I laughed and sat down my coffee on the windowsill and grabbed my jacket. I put my arms behind me and as if on queue, he jumped on my back and I grabbed his thighs. I ran to the door and opened it and we ran outside in just pajamas. I set him down on the ground and he began to shiver. I gave him my jacket and he slipped it over his head. I pulled him to my side and he cuddled into my side. "It's so pretty." He said smiling at the thin veil of white in front of us. "Well you're prettier." I said and leaned in to kiss him messily. He pushed me away and laughed at me. "Weirdo!" He yelled. I pulled him back to me and into my arms. "That was so stupid." He said. "I know I know." I laughed and pushed him out of my embrace playfully. He giggled and I sat down on a chair on the porch crossing my legs. I tapped my thigh and he came over to me and sat on my lap. I locked my hands over his stomach. "Have you checked in with your mom yet?" I asked knowing he hasn't yet. "No she expects me to be home sometime before dinner in guessing." He shrugged. "Well good then." "Why?" He asked and looked behind him at me. I raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Ew!" He shouted and hit my arm. I love getting those kinds of reactions out of him because the face he makes when I say something gross is priceless. "I'm just kidding." I say turning him back around and re-connecting my hands over him. "I wouldn't mind if you weren't." he muttered. "See now you're being gross!" I yelled. I almost fell asleep again until he slid off my lap and grabbed a pair of my shoes and slid them on. "We're going to make a big pile of snow." He explained. I trudged over to where he was taking armfuls of snow and pushing them to a corner of the fence. "Mitch this is what special needs kids do." I said. "It's fun." He pouted. I took a much larger armful of snow and plopped it on top of his small pile doubling the size. We kept working until it was about half his size. He stood up and I pulled him into my side. "I'm tired now." He exhaled. "Let's go inside my mom should be back soon." (#soon) He took off my shoes and I took off mine as well. He crawled onto my couch and under a thick winter blanket. "Can you pass me my coffee?" He asked smiling at me with his perfect dimples. "Sure baby." I responded. I picked up his mug and he held out his hands for it. "Careful it's hot." I said setting it in his hand putting my hand over his on the mug. I lay my arm over his shoulders and scooted him closer until he was on my lap. He took small sips from it until it was gone. He set the empty mug on the coffee table in front of the couch and fell back onto me. I adjusted my arms around his stomach and rubbed it in slow circles. Within minutes he was fast asleep again on my lap with a huge puffy blanket over his legs. I closed my eyes for a few moments trying to feel some sense of sleep. The front door unlocked and my mom walked in. "I'm back! How's Mitch?" She exclaimed. I shushed her as quickly as I could. She looked over to where we were on the couch and mouthed 'sorry'. 'Love you' I mouthed back. She blew me a kiss from across the living room and went to her room. Mitch somehow stayed asleep through that. Or he did a pretty good job faking it. I was pretty much in heaven at this point. I rested my chin on his shoulder still rubbing his stomach lightly. I wondered what excuse my mom would have as to why she went to her room this time. She's always so supportive of my relationship with Mitch and I'm so grateful for her. I hummed a soft melody and closed my eyes. He turned a bit and stretched. I tightened my hold on him with one arm. My mom walked back in and took the mug from off the coffee table and took the shoes and set them by the stairs. I smiled at her appreciatively. She turned off the lights, turned on a dim lamp and fixed her gaze on me then to Mitch. I look down at him and he was waking up. I kissed his forehead and moved his hair from his face. He grinned and kissed my cheek. I felt myself turn quite the shade of red. Let's just say Mitch wasn't home by dinner that night.

So do we love it like even a little? let me know and GIVE REQUESTS PLEASE😁❤️ it's been a while so hey guys I'm here still I haven't given up yet😂

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