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I hate moving so much. Dad had promised me we wouldn't move again. But then he and Mom got the divorce. Things started to change after that. Dad would always come home really late, smelling a lot - and I mean A LOT - like alcohol. I remember catching him in the kitchen one night with a whole freaking bottle of whiskey! The man was taking shots alone in his kitchen!

This strange behaviour continued for a while, until randomly, he was back to normal. When I confronted him about it, Dad held a family meeting. Well, if you count my brother and I as a family. But my little brother, Gavin, was only twelve, so his opinion didn't exactly matter. But that night Dad told us we were moving to a new town. A town that was five hours away from our home!

I was upset because of the news. My friends were upset. My boyfriend was upset. We had no choice but to break up. I didn't really love him, but that didn't mean I wouldn't miss him. Greyson was so sweet and he had to be the best boyfriend ever.

And now? Well now I am currently sitting in the backseat of our car, beside my obnoxious brother who keeps pulling on my hair to get my attention.

"Fartie Artie," he calls out in a singsong voice.

"What?" I demand in annoyance. God, Gavin's so annoying.

"Guess what?" he asks excitedly.

I roll my eyes. "I don't care."

He pouts at me. "But you didn't even hear what I have to say!"

"And with any luck, I never will."

"Dad!" Gavin screeches. "Arden's on her period again!"

My dad sighs in annoyance. "Would it kill you two to get along for the car ride?"

"Yes," I deadpan. "It will."

"Arden," he says softly. "I know you're upset, but what choice did I really have?"

"The choice to stay back?" I suggest.

"Please understand, kiddo. I didn't have much of a choice, okay? You know what happened so I don't understand why you can't sympathize with me."

I let out an aggravated grunt. "Fine. Whatever."


The only thing worse than moving was going to a new school. And worse than that was being in a town you didn't know anything about... Which is exactly what was happening to me. I told my dad I wanted to go check out the town when we arrived, but I managed to get lost. Now here I am, late at night, waking deep in the streets of a place I don't even know.

I cross the street to get to the other sidewalk. Just as I am walking, a car vrooms by me, nearly knocking me out. I stumble onto the sidewalk just before I could get hit.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" the driver shouts at me. He stops his car and he gets out, waking towards me.

My eyes widen and I sprint as far away from him as possible. The streets are practically empty, so he can do God knows what to me. I don't realize I'm in a creepy alleyway until I hear a gruff voice from behind me. I turn around and I see three big and scary looking guys.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing?" One of them reaches out to touch my cheek.

I move back and I begin to run, but one of them steps in my way. "Not so fast, doll."

I gulp nervously and I lean back. I keep stepping back until my back hits a brick wall. "Please don't hurt me," I plead.

"Sorry, sugar, but I can't make that promise," one of them says. He grins evilly at me.

I close my eyes as fear floods through me. I expect something to happen, but nothing does.

All of a sudden, a deep masculine voice yells, "Hands up fuckers!" The voice sounds familiar, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

The men freeze and they hold their hands up.

"Where's the girl?" a boy asks. I doubt he can see me clearly, but I can see him. His dark hair, glasses, and soothing voice makes me melt a little inside. I can't help but stare at him.

The guys move out of the way, revealing me. I look at the boy with glasses, hoping we can lock eyes, but his phone suddenly rings. His two friends speak to the guys who trapped me in the alleyway, but that cute boy walks away.

I hear one of his friends call his name: it's Nick. I smile softly. I really hope I see Nick again.

I hope you like it! Thanks so much!!

The Nerdiest Bad Boy: Puppy1899 One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now