Road Trip kareoke (Clary's POV)

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"YES!!! We're going to Disney!!!! I've always wanted to go!!!!" Cried Magnus, racing for the van Simon rented, we all were going on a road trip, we had already taken a plane to Florida, now we had to drive to Orlando.

"Road Trip!!!" Magnus cheered. Everybody else grumbled as we went into the van.

About thirty minutes into the drive Isabelle started singing along to her iPod, even though we couldn't hear the music, we all recognized the words, because Jace and Alec groaned.

"I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan..."

"Welcome to the land of fame excess... Am I gonna fit in?" I sang with her

"I jumped in the cab here I am for the first time-
Look to my right and I see The Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy! Everybody seems so famous!!!
My tummy's turning and I'm feeling kinda homesick- too much pressure and I'm nervous!" We both sang

"And the taxi man turned on the radio and the Jay-Z song was on!" Sang Isabelle
"And the Jay-Z song was on-
And the Jay-Z song was on!!!" We both sang, Magnus hesitated, then he joined us, Alec face palmed, "Magnus stop, you're embarrassing me!!!"he groaned

They're playing my song and the butterflies fly away!
Noddin my head like yeah
Movin my hips like yeah
Put my hands up
they're playing my song and I know it's gonna be okay!
Yeah! Yeah!!yeah!!! Yeah!!!!
It's a party in the USA!!!!!
Yeah! Yeah!! Yeah!!! Yeah!!!!
It's a party in the USA!!!!!"

All three of us were laughing, Alec face palmed, Jace rolled his eyes, and Simon was laughing hard!

So what they say is true...
Getting there is only half the fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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