chapter seven

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it was monday morning and anna was up nearly at the break of dawn. 

she couldn't help it, her body wanted to get up. she jumped out of bed and stretched for two minutes and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. she kind of liked the fact that she wakes up earlier than her room mates because she never had to wait to use the bathroom. 

she tiredly dragged herself back into her room to pick out an outfit to wear for the day. anna decided on wearing a black ribbed crop top with dark denim, high waisted shorts because it was apparently supposed to be really hot that day. she didn't get changed yet because she had like an hour or so before she had to actually get ready and leave, and her sleeping clothes were so comfortable. 

anna headed down the stairs and decided to make some coffee. she turned on the keurig and looked through her fridge to see if there was any milk and syrup. she wanted to make her loves breakfast because that was the type of person she was. 


an hour later, she was finally done with making pancakes and chopping up various of fruits because she needed to get her friends to eat something nutritional, including herself. 

anna already heard all three of their alarms and them groaning and getting up to go to the bathroom. she smiled and mentally high-fived herself as she set the food down on to the table. everything looked so pretty. especially since the table was so rustic and gave off that earthy vibe. she absolutely adored the light wood. 

it was almost eight and she had to get ready. anna ran upstairs and exchanged "goodmornings" with every one. she hurriedly slipped out of her t-shirt and pajama pants and threw on her outfit that she picked out earlier. she decided on wearing her black and white adidas and went to her desk that was also used as a vanity. she brushed her hair and did her make up routine. anna grabbed all of her stuff and ran down the stairs, already seeing her room mates eating at the dining table. 

"hey," she breathed out when sat down. 

"goodmorning," brianna cheered. 

"god, i'm so in love with your pancakes." kimberly said with her mouth full. 

"ew kim, swallow your food!" malina yelled while throwing a napkin at her, kimberly just stuck her tongue out at her and malina cringed but everyone laughed shortly after.

anna sat down at the table and grabbed two pancakes and poured some syrup over them. she was contemplating whether or not she should either tell them about luke's sleepover or not. to be honest, anna didn't really want to get hammered with questions before school even started, but she wasn't the one to exactly keep things from people who are close to her. 

she played around with her strawberries, "so anyways, about saturday-"

"oh yeah! how was the tutor session with satan?" brianna asked referring to luke. brianna made a fowl face just at the thought of him.

anna grimaced at her question from bri, now she was totally going to get pounced on if she even mentioned the fact that she slept over his house, they will most likely think she hooked up with him. 

but she can't hold in her feelings anymore.

"it was okay, you know, nothing really special. but um, saturday evening i went over to his place and sort of helped make dinner and i may or may not have slept over." anna confessed nervously while playing with her fruit. 

she heard the sound of forks being dropped against their plates and when anna looked up she saw all three of her bestfriends' mouths jaws dropped open. 

she smiled sheepishly and stuffed her face with pancakes and multiple fruit. her heart was beating so face and she had no idea how they were going to react. anna can literally feel the tension in the room grow thicker and feel herself slowly drowning. 

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