Bad Night

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Morgan anxiously checked his phone again, hoping his boyfriend had texted or called back. He had already called four times and God knows how many texts he sent, and frankly, he was extremely worried. 

Reid had taken his paperwork home instead of doing it at the office. He normally brought it home, so it wasn't strange. But what was strange was the fact that he wasn't answering Morgan.

"Morgan, go check on him. I can see you're worried." Hotch said from his office doorway.

"How'd you know that?" he asked as he began to collect his stuff.

"I'm a profiler, remember?" Hotch laughs. Morgan lets out a breathy laugh as he heads for the elevator.

The ride home seems to take forever. Reid still hasn't called or texted. 

He's just wrapped up in his paper work, he's just wrapped up in his paper work Morgan repeated to himself as he pulled into the parking lot of Reid's apartment. He walked at a fast pace, entering the building and taking the stairs. He didn't feel like waiting for the elevator, and stairs weren't that big of a deal for him.

He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked again, still nothing.

"Spence, it's me. Open up," Derek spoke cautiously through the door. Nothing. 

He ran his hands over the door frame, hoping for a spare key, and luckily, there was one. He turned the key in the lock and walked in. Paper work was spread out over his counter top, phone sitting on top of it, but Spencer was no where in sight. 

Derek reached for his gun nervously, and walked slowly through the neat apartment. He rounded a corner into the bathroom, and then he saw him.

"Spence, oh my God, baby boy." Derek said as he scrambled into the bathroom, lowering himself onto the floor. 

Spencer was sitting on the floor, drowsy, with an empty syringe next to him. There were running down both of the men's faces, as Derek wrapped the thinner man into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Derek. I couldn't stop myself. I had been clean for so long. I'm so sorry, I just needed the Dilaudid. I'm so sorry. I understand if you no longer want me. I'm a worthless piece of trash, you deserve so much better." Spencer got out between tears. He pressed his face into Derek's shirt, sobbing.

"Pretty boy, you're not getting rid of me that easily. I'm not leaving you, I'm in love with you. I want you to know that I'm here for you through all of this. I love you, Spence. We all relapse from time to time. But you're strong, and you'll get through this. We'll get through this, together." Derek said, pressing his lips to Spencer's forehead. 

"I love you, Derek. You're my medicine." Spencer said, before drifting to sleep on Derek's chest.

They both slept on the bathroom floor that night, in each other's arms. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but with each other anything could be made comfortable. They were in love, and nothing could change that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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