Chapter 1

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Hey guys. Quick author's note before I start this story! I suck at writing, so sorry if this sucks, but I thought it would be interesting to have this as a BVB and a 1D fanfic! I love BVB, and I am also a directioner... Weird combination of music, i know. But that's why I wanted to make this! Its like two sides of myself! I'll be updating each Sunday. Anyway, enjoy the story!

Starr's POV

"Mom, come on!!! We're moving again? Why???" I was pissed. For the third time since I started high school, I'm moving. "Look, I've actually made friends here! You always make me move!"

"I know its hard Alison--"

"MY NAME IS STARR, DOUBLE THE R!!!" I screamed. I hated my name.

"Sorry. Starr." She said sarcastically. "But we need to move. You've already gotten suspended 3 times... Maybe in this school you'll behave better."

I hated how calmly she dealt with me. "I'm not gonna change! I told you, I didn't even do anything! That bitch, Missy, framed me!!"

"Lying won't help anything, Alison."


"We're moving, and that's final! Now go pack your things, we're leaving next week!"

I stormed upstairs. I wasn't lying...


"Come on Starr, it'll be fun!" Missy said to me. She loved playing pranks. I slowly followed her, only to see James, one of the popular boys, standing by his locker.

I sighed. "So, what's the plan?" I asked.

"You're going to go flirt with him. Hook him on! Then, I'm gonna come up and dump this down his pants!" She lifted a bag with a gushy-looking liquid in it.

"What is that???" I asked, slightly disgusted.

"Its that strawberry stuff. I stole it from the cafeteria!"

I gasped. "We'll get suspended! That'll be the third time! I can't do it! I'm not getting in trouble again!"

"Oh? Too bad!" She chucked it at James, then ran. I gaped, wide-eyed, at the now-covered James, as he spotted me.

"You are so going to pay for this!!!" He said.

"Wait, no, it wasn't me!"

The principal came around the corner. "What's going on???"

"This bitch stole strawberries from the cafeteria and chucked it at me!"

"No, it was Missy, I swear!"

He looked at me. "Nic try. You're suspended!"

End of Flashback

I put my headphones in, and started blasting my BVB music. Knives and Pens happened to come on first. I sang/screamed the whole thing, reluctantly packing my stuff. My ipod played through all my favorite songs, including New Religion, Fallen Angels, and Rebel Love Song, until my mom stormed in. I took my earphone out to listen.

"Stop screaming that devil music and get packing!" She almost yelled.

"Its not devil music, its Black Veil Brides, my favorite band!" I yelled back.

"Oh yes, those disgusting men with tattoos and makeup." She remarked.

"They aren't disgusting! Tattoos are sexy, and they're great singers!"

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