Chapter 3

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Hey guys, so I need some help. One, someone from BVB is gonna fall for Starr, which member do you want? Two, someone from 1D is gonna fall for Nikki, who shall it be??? Three, I need ideas for some event that's gonna get 1D, BVB, and the girls to all have to travel together. Ideas on an event or something? Thanks for any help! Here's chapter 3!!!

Starr's POV

I arrived at Nikki's house, psyched for tonight. I knocked on the door, when she answered, she hugged me before we went inside. The house was nice, and looked alot like mine. In fact, it looked identical! It was two story. We went up the stairs and down the hall to Nikki's room. It was moderately big, with a full-sized bed that had a one direction comforter. I looked around and the walls were plastered with about a million posters of the boys. I had to admit, they didn't look that bad, but they were nothing like my boys. There was a set of white shelves at the end of the bed with different trophies, including soccer, swim team, some softball, and a lot of martial arts. There were a few swim medals, as well as about a million swim team ribbons. on the shelf under that was a set of porcelain dolls, and under that was a badminton racket, a toy bow with toy arrows, a small wooden bat, probably acquired at a baseball game, and a giant red A. Next to the shelves was a cluttered desk, then another set of shelves with all sorts of fantasy knick-knacks, under that, some books, and on the bottom shelf was a bunch of art stuff. There was a walk-in closet that was cluttered with clothes.

"Nice bedroom." I said a bit sarcastically.

"Nice try. You hate it!" Nikki started laughing.

"No I don't, its no different than my room... Literally... Besides the posters, mine are mostly BVB, with some Asking Alexandria, Sleeping With Sirens, and Falling in Reverse." I chuckled.

"Well, that makes sense. So anyway, you can set your stuff by my bed."

I set my stuff down. "Okay, since you're going to be going to a BVB concert, you're going to have to familiarize yourself with their music!" I pulled out my ipod, going to specific artists, and finding BVB.

"No way! I don't want to suffer through that more than I have to!" She exclaimed.

"Oh come on, they're not even that bad! Here, I'll start you off easy." I set the ipod to Fallen Angels since it had no screaming.

Nikki listened half-patiently until the end. "Okay, it wasn't that bad..." She said, and I smiled. "Okay, if I have to suffer through your music, you have to suffer through mine!" She pulled out her ipod, and put on the most well-known song by 1D, What Makes You Beautiful.

I listened, hating every second of it. "That sucked." I laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at me. "My turn again!" This time, I played Youth and Wiskey.

This time, she started to nod her head to the beat. "Okay, so that one was kinda good. I thought these guys just screamed all the time."

"Not all the time. They can still sing. Here, I'm gonna show you a video this time." I pulled up my youtube app and looked up the knives and pens video. "Here, watch this. It has minimal screaming."

She took the ipod and watched the video. When it was done, she handed it back. "That was good."

I smiled. "I love that song, but my favorite by them is Fallen angels."

"My turn again!" She showed me a song called Moments.

"That was... sorta really good." I said, smiling.

"Its my favorite by them." We went on trading songs until we ran out of songs, and by the end, we were still both hard-headed. I admit. I started to like them... But I wouldn't admit that to her!

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