Chapter 17

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Night's POV

It had been about 3 weeks since I joined BVB on their tour, and there was still one thing I hadn't told anyone... The reason I got kicked out of my parents' house...

I drove in my truck, tailing the tour bus, thinking. What would they think? They obviously knew about Silver and Starr, and their sexualities... Would they be okay with mine? Who could I talk to? My phone went off, interrupting my thoughts.


"Hey, Andy was wondering if you needed to stop, or if you were good...?" Jinxx said.

"Uh, yeah, I wouldn't mind a stop." I said. Jinxx. I could talk to him... But what about my feelings for Jake? Could I tell Jinxx? Would Jinxx tell? I had to take the chance... I needed someone to talk to.

We pulled into a rest stop, and got out. CC and Nikki went and sat down, chatting about random stuff. I swear, they were inseparable. I started to think.. What if that were me and Jake? I imagined us instead of CC and Nikki, playfully flirting, kissing....

I shook my head, clearing it, then looke around and spotted Jinxx alone by the tour bus. Perfect! I ran over.

"Jinxx.... Uhm. Could I talk to you? In private?" I gave him a pleading look.

"Of course." We went inside the tour bus, and into the bunk room. "What's up?"

"Can you promise not to tell anyone? Especially not your band mates? Please?" I begged. He nodded. "Well... Um.. I-I'm gay." I said quietly.

"Okay. That's nothing to hide, why are you so embarrassed about that?" Jinxx asked.

"Well, it's the reason I got kicked out of my parents house... I came out... Plus.. I-I think I like J-Jake..." I said even quieter, shuffling my feet on the ground.

Jinxx smiled. "Okay, that's adorable! But, I actually don't know what Jake's sexuality is... Would you like me to find out if you have a chance?" He asked, and my expression lit up.

"Would you? I would love that!" I said hopefully.

"Of course!" Just then, the door opened.

"Night, you in here?" It was Andy.

"Yeah, Jinxx and I are back here." I said. He came through.

"Ashley's offered to drive for a while if you wanted to nap, you okay with that?" He asked.

"Sure. Thanks." I smiled.

"Okay, so, we should be at the next venue by 3:00, so that gives us just enough time to stock up on food..." Andy started talking plans with Jinxx, so I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch next to Harry and Louis.

"Hey man." Louis said cheerfully.

"Hey." I smiled as I saw them discreetly holding hands.

"Wha'ts up?" Harry asked.

"Not much. Crushes. Drama up in here." I said, tapping my head, then sighed.

"Well, wanna tell us about it?" Louis asked.

"Tell who about what?" Jake said, coming in.

"Erm. Nothing. I don't really want to talk about it... But thanks." I said quietly, then realization hit Louis' face. He nodded, whispered something to Harry, who smiled at me, then they went to the bunks.

"So,  what's up?" Jake asked, biting his lip. God, he was so cute... If he was straight, I think I'd die.

"Uhm... Not much... I think I'm going to steal Ashley's bunk for a nap, I'll talk to you when I wake up." I said.

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