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While we was in lunch, I took a few glances at Louis. I would be lying if I said he wasn't one of the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. He was absolutely gorgeous - especially his smile.

I tried to get that out of my mine though, because after all he is my 'bully', if that's what I should call this.

I played with my food on my tray - not really interested in what we were having for lunch. I stood up from the table, Liam and Niall both looked up instantly. Knowing they were going to ask where I was going, I just told them I was going to go to the bathroom.

I dumped my tray and headed towards the bathroom. I had a feeling someone was following me through the way - and I was right. I looked at my reflection in the mirror to see non other than Louis staring at me with a smirk across his face, an evil smirk;


In lunch, I noticed curly boy, Harry, staring at me through the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything to him, though.

I didn't really pay attention to Harry, actually, until he got up and excused himself. When he got in distance, Liam looked at me.

"Louis, can you follow Harry to make sure he gets to the bathroom? He's new and-" before he finished his sentence, I just nodded and hurried up and dumped my tray and followed behind him.

I stood behind him as he checked himself out in the mirror, it took him a while to notice me, because when he noticed me his eyes widen with fear. And I just let a smirk go across my face.
guys I MIGHT not update next week because I have this test all week long asdfghkkll;'bsuia
and I can't write chapter 8 today today or tomorrow because I have to study </3
but anyways
ily guys thanks for reading xo

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