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Chapter 33, the last chapter


Days, and days, and days went by and not one did a spend with Harry, though I wish they were. I tried to get a hold of him, but no answer. And I tried to go over to his house, but I wasn't welcomed.

I haven't talked to anyone, I've spoke to my mum a couple of times, but those times was when I told her to leave me alone or that I wasn't hungry.

I missed days of schools, and when I came to school, I ditched half of the classes. Even the classes with Harry.

When I decided to come out of my shell and start talking again, it was right before I left for school, and the first person I talked to was my mum.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mum flipping through the morning newspaper.

"Hi, mum." I greeted her as I sat down on the opposite side of her.

"Hello, Louis." She said as she laid her newspaper aside. "Are you okay? You've seemed a bit down the past few weeks, and I've talked to Anne and she said Harry's acting the same way. Did something happen?"

I bit my lip as the memory came back, Harry yelling at me over a stupid mistake I made months ago, and me being a stupid, coward boyfriend - or should I say ex boyfriend. A tear slipped from eye, and I quickly wiped it away. "Erm, I think I'm just going to go to school now." I said with a bit of brokenness in my voice as I stood up and picked my backpack up that was lying next to the door and headed out to my car.

I had the radio blasting, draining out my thoughts. When I pulled into the school, I saw Zayn [who I haven't spoke to since what happened with Harry] with his back against the wall, where him and I use to stand together.

I got out of my car and passed Zayn up, I clenched my fist as I passed him up, trying my best to be the bigger man and not go over there and beat the shit out of him. I managed to stay strong and pass him up, and I went straight to my locker to get my stuff out for all my classes.

The first class went by super fast, but was still boring.

The second class, went by fast also, I paid no attention, so I have no say to say it was boring. Instead, I doodled on my notepad, and wrote some stuff important, some poems, and I also drew.

Third class was hell - Harry was there. I watched him, never taking my stare off of him; besides to blink. He returned a stare that lasted just for a few seconds, which I cherished those few seconds.

Forth to Fifth class I did the same as the Second class. Doodling and writing.

Sixth class went by the slowest, which was oddly, because there was no sign for Harry.

After that class, I managed to spot Niall in the crowd as I was getting my stuff out of my locker so I could go home.

I closed my locker and approached Niall, though he didn't look so pleasant to see me. "Hey, Niall."

"Um, h-hi, Louis." He said, giving me an awkward smile.

"Do you know where Harry is? He disappeared after third class." I asked, scratching my forehead.

"You didn't know?" Niall said, with a bit of shock in his voice

"Know what?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip.

"Thought you'd know this, after all you are his neighbor," he started out, "Harry's mum came and picked him up from lunch."

"Ah, I see. But being his neighbor has nothing with knowing when his parent is going to pick him up. That's more like a stalkers job." I said, laughing a bit-- for the first time since the incident.

"Or a boyfriends job." I heard Zayn say to me as he passed Niall and me up and gave me a wink when I looked him in the eyes.

I gave Zayn an evil glare, though he couldn't see me because he was already halfway down the hallway with his back facing me.

"Anyways..." Niall continued, taking a big, deep breath, "Harry moved away."


[sequel is on my page]

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