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Chapter 32



Football practice went by quickly, but it still made me tired and worn out.

When I pulled into my drive way and came into my house, I went straight into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I laid it aside of me as I pulled my bag onto the counter and grabbed my phone out of the pocket of the bag to see that I had zero text messages and zero calls - which was a bit weird, because usually Harry always texts me weird, random (but cute) things while I'm at football practice. So either he's asleep or something must be going on.

I was worried, I admit, because out of all my football practices, this is the only time he doesn't text me, maybe I should text him first?

To Harry <3

Hi babe, just got back from football practice. Wanna come over? :) xx

-Louis xx

I put my phone back in my pocket once I pressed send, and picked my water bottle up and took about sip or two, then I put the water bottle back in the refrigerator and went upstairs and into my room.

I tossed my phone onto my bed, and then took all my sweaty clothes and put some fresh ones on. I went to the bathroom and washed my face on, and then walked back into my room and went straight to my phone to see that Harry still hasn't texted me.

I brushed it off my shoulders, maybe he's still asleep or might have not seen my text yet. He hasn't mentioned he had any plains this week, or today. Maybe I should go visit him? A surprise visit? It would be a great one month anniversary gift.

I put my phone in my pocket and went down the stairs, but was stopped by my mother as she was coming up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked, stopping me.

"To Harry's." I said, passing her up.

She didn't reply, so I'm guessing she's totally fine with me going to his. After all, she is perfectly fine with me dating Harry, she actually adores him and I together.

I opened my front door and closed it quickly as I rushed over to Harry's lawn. I knocked on their door, which I received no answer. I knocked once more, no answer again.

I let out a big sigh as I began walking down their front steps, until something popped into my mind.

The extra key in the flower pot.

I turned around and walked back up the stairs and searched in the flower pot until I found it and pulled it out.

I put the key in the lock and opened the door, I seen no sign of Anne, so that's probably the reason why no one answered.

The house was silenced, except the little sniffles I heard coming from up the stairs that caused me to wonder who that was. It could have been Anne, maybe she heard the door but didn't feel like answering.. Or maybe it was Harry.

I walked up the stairs, listening and following the sound of sniffles, seeing where it would lead me.

It didn't lead me to Anne's room -- it lead me to Harry's.

I opened the door, slowly, and peeked my head through the door to see Harry sitting on his bed, staring at his phone, and crying.

I walked slowly towards Harry and sat down beside of him, when I surprise him like this, he usually jumps in surprise and sometimes even flinches. But this time.... This time he sat completely still.

I poked him on the shoulder, expecting him to turn around and face me like he usually does, but he stayed the same way he was.... Completely still.

I grabbed his hand, which in return he jerked his hand away and stood up, but left his phone laying on the bed, still on whatever he was on.

I didn't bother looking at it, he seemed upset and if I were to look at his phone, that'd probably piss him off more.

His back was facing me when I stood up, so I placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned around, his eyes all red, stained from crying. "What's wrong?" I asked as I placed my hand on his cheek. He jerked his face away from my touch, which I admit hurt me a bit inside.

What am I saying? It hurt me a lot inside.

"I can't believe you, Louis." He started out, "You know, if you were unhappy with me, you could have told me."


Confusion was the first thing that hit me. "What makes you think I'm unhappy with you? I fucking love you."

Harry tightened his knuckles, which scared me a bit, because at this moment I thought he was going to hit me. He's actually pretty strong.

"Really? Funny. When you love someone you're not suppose to go around hooking up with people and snogging other people, especially when you're in a fucking relationship with that person, Louis." He spitted at me, leaning his body over me and clenching his fist.

"What the fuck is this all coming from?" I said, putting my hand on my hip.

Harry pointed at his iPhone, he said nothing; he just pointed at his phone.

I bent over and grabbed his phone to see non other than a photo of Zayn and I snogging. The photo was real, not photo shopped at all, sadly. I wanted to tell Harry that it was an old, old, old photo - months before we even met... But the words wouldn't come out, and I'm not sure why.

"Nothing to say, 'ey?" Harry said, biting his lip, holding back tears.

"Harry, I-"

"Save it, Louis. I'm fucking done. I'm done with you, with us. Get the fuck out of my house." Harry said, opening his bedroom door.

I said nothing, I just walked out of his room. I gave Harry one last look before he shut the door and I began walking down the stairs and out of his house.


"What are you doing back so early from Harry's? I usually have to go over there and have to drag you out of that house!" My mum said, chuckling, as I walked up the front porch steps.

I didn't answer her question, I just walked past her and ran up the stairs and slammed my door shut.

I'm not known for crying, I don't do that a lot.

But the tears wouldn't stop coming, and I didn't try to stop them.

I felt weak, too weak to even stop my own tears.

I felt like a coward.

I saw the number on Harry's phone who had texted him that picture, and I recognized it.

Never would anyone think that Liam Payne would ever try to break up a relationship, especially when someone in that relationship was his best mate.





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