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This chapter is short and I apologize, but it's kind of hard writing when you're in the back of a car with a 10 year old who yells in your ear every 5 minutes, y'know?

And I know I said there would be drama in this chapter, but it's only ends with the start of the drama... Sorry.

Chapter 16:


School went by like it usually does, just sitting in class, and watching the teacher with a bored and blank expression.

I was currently in Math class when I heard the bell ring.

Science time (which is the first class I have with Harry)

I packed my books up and my mind went over how to sign "I'm sorry" as I walked out of the math room and into the hallway.

I made my way into the Science room and saw Harry sitting there, tapping his pencil out of rhythm. I walked over to him and sat down, then gave him a smile and a little nod.

I sat down and laid my bag aside, I turned my body to the right to where my back would be facing Harry and whispered to myself, "Come on, Louis... You can do this."

I turned around to face Harry, which his back was now facing me, and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around quickly and I took a deep breath, acting as if this would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do in my life.


The first two periods came by faster than they did yesterday.

But then I realized it was Science time, also the time I have with Louis. Which, I actually have two classes with him... Music and Science, which I have Music last class... I think?

I walked into the class room to see no sign of Louis, luckily. I walked over to my desk and moved a bit in my seat, trying to get comfortable. Though, no matter how long I tried to, I just couldn't get comfortable. I began to tap my pencil, and also began to pray to God that Louis wouldn't show up.

I must've prayed too late, because when I looked over I saw Louis walking over to me, he looked nervous though. He sat down and instead of giving me a kick in the leg, he gave me a smile and a nod.

He turned his back to where it would be facing me, so in return I did the same. We stayed like this for a few seconds, if I'm guessing. I felt a little poke on my shoulder, I turned around quickly, and was greeted by, once again, Louis.


I took another deep breath again, and shut my eyes and began to sign "I'm sorry."

At least that's what I thought I was signing.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Harry with his mouth open, and his eyes widen, too.

I gave him a sly smile, I'm guessing he's surprised/happy?

"You fucking bastard!" Harry spitted at me as he gathered all his books together and rushed out of the Science room, without saying another word, and leaving me speechless.

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