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I was at my locker when I received a call from my mother, the time was 3:03; sighing, I answered the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

I heard my mum sigh, but she brushed it off her shoulder and began speaking, "Louis, Anne's son is staying at our house for a while. Just for a few hours. Me and Anne are going shopping for a while, and we'll be back soon, okay? Please, please, be polite and don't scare the kid, because, you see-"

"Oh, so Curly's staying for a couple of hours?" I asked, licking my lips and putting a hand on my hip.

"Yes, his name is Harry, not curly. Any who, as I was saying treat him with as much as respect you treat me, even though you don't treat me with respect," she muttered under her breath, "But please... Just for once, be respectful, because as I was saying Harry's diffe-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I spoke up. "Okay, okay, mum. I have to go, bye!"

"Wait, Louis! Let me finish my sent-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I hung up.

Seconds later, she called again. I laughed, declined her phone call, and then I turned my phone off.

I slammed my locker shut and rushed through the hallway, eager to get home.

I bumped into Zayn on the way, too.

"Hey, Tomlinson! Where you going?" He said as I came rushing towards his way, as I almost passed him, he grabbed my by my jacket.

"Why such in a hurry, Tomlinson?" He asked.

"I can't talk, Zayn! I'm busy!" I said, jerking away from his grip and then quickly rushed to the front doors and to my car.

I was shocked that I didn't get a speeding ticket, I went pretty fast down the road, but eh.

I pulled into my drive way, and quickly rushed to the front door grabbing the key under the mat and opening the door, quietly so Harry wouldn't hear me.

I was just about to go upstairs to see if he was hiding anywheres, but there he stood in the middle of my living room. He looked deep in thought...

And, he actually looked... Hot.

I wasn't afraid to admit it, I stood there a couple of seconds admiring him and his curls that were pushed to the side so he could see I'm guessing.

But then I snapped out of it.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, and slowly approached him from behind, laying a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump back a bit, which made me laugh.

He then turned around, and his eyes were HUGE with fear.


I was close to Louis - not close enough for me to feel his breath though, just inches away.

Slowly, I backed up and bumped into something, causing me to trip. I looked up from where I laid on the ground to see Louis with his mouth open, I'm guessing he's 'laughing'?

When he stopped, he went to a serious face. "What's there to be afraid of, princess?" He asked.

I'm actually really lucky out of all the people who could kill me, it could be Louis because he talks slow so I can read his lips - because if he talked fast and gave me a choice to live or not, I wouldn't even know.

Louis continued what he was saying, "Or should I say, who?" He asked, putting his back against the wall.

Still sitting on the floor, I replied "I'm not afraid of anyone or anything." I said, putting my hands over my chest.

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