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I stood up, turning my head left from right, making sure Louis hasn't came in yet. I was afraid, I admit. I don't think I've ever stayed in someone's house, especially someone like Louis.

Does Louis know I'm here though?

Did Jay text him or something?

Or does he know nothing?

Hopefully not.

I took my phone out once again, checking the time.


I gulped, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

Well, this is going to be the end of me, I thought to myself.

Well, I could hide in the bathroom for a while. No, no. He could find a way in somehow, because after all this is his house, so I'm pretty sure he would know a secret way in.

Or maybe he could break into the bathroom, so, no, I'm not hiding in the bathroom.

Or maybe I could hide behind the sofa? No, no. More than likely I would make too much noise.

How about I hide in the-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of someone putting their hand on my shoulder.

I could feel the person grinning behind me, an evil grin. I gulped once again, and turned around.

And, of course, there stood Louis Tomlinson.


oopsssss, I decided to leave a cliffhanger, well, it's not really a cliffhanger, but let's just pretend it is ok.

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