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I'm trying my best to write as much as I can before school starts. Hope you enjoy. And don't bother commenting stuff like, "oh my god!!! shortest chapter ever!!!" like I already know how long and how short my chapters are.

Chapter 28


The ride to school was silent, a hurtful silence, if that's even possible to have a hurtful silence. I didn't look at Harry, I kept my eyes on the road the whole time.

When I pulled into the school and parked, Harry started getting out, and so did I, but I was stopped by Harry.

"What are you doing?" He asked, throwing his book bag on his back.

"Going to school." I said, with a chuckle, looking at him.

"I thought you didn't want to go to school because of Zayn."

"Might as well go, since I have nothing to do." I said with a sigh as Harry just nodded and walked off. I didn't want to say that I was going only to protect him.


Throughout the whole day I made contact with everyone, besides Zayn and Harry.

People had questioned me on why I was ignoring Zayn and people have told me Zayn's been looking for me, I just told them to drop the subject and move on with their lives.

I walked through the doors of my last class and went straight to the bathroom and just stood there, waiting for the halls to clear out so I could have some peaceful time to think as I got my stuff out of my locker so I could go home.

Though, this was a perfect time to think, since I was the only one in the bathroom.

I slid down the bathroom wall, rubbing my face.

Why did I punch Zayn?

Oh yeah, because he messed with my Harry.

Why did Harry get so pissed off at me when I didn't say anything to him at the park?

Oh yeah, maybe it's because he spilled his damn feelings out about how he thought I was perfect, and practically thought he, himself, was completely useless, and I just sat there without saying a fucking thing.

I stood up and picked my book bag up and threw it, causing it to hit the wall and make everything spill out of it. "Dammit!" I yelled.

The next thing I heard was sobs, I was confused as I rushed over to my book bag.

Is my book bag... Crying?

Dammit, you're losing it, Lou.

I stood up and walked out of the bathroom and listened to what I was hearing coming from distant, but not too far.

I heard disgusting things like, "Faggot" and "Gay boy" then loads of boys laughing and then some crying, which is probably from the boy they are bullying. I chuckled to myself, because it brought back memories to how I use to treat people like that whenever I was in the closet. Not that I'm proud of it or anything.

I followed the sound so I could watch what was happening, but I stopped when I saw who it was happening to.

Those little fuckers are hurting my Harry.


The lovely fan art on the side was made by Christin! I forgot your username so please message me if you want some credit! xxx

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