Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV 

I sat on the white sheets of my bed afraid to move, to think, to breath. The white walls seemed to be closing around me, but I stayed still. My bed was in the middle of the room and the floor was pure white carpet. A white wooden dresser was leaning against the wall to the left of my bed as well as two book casses with multicolored books the only color in the room, A closet on the wall next to my body mirror, opposite from my bed. A door next to my dresser led to a bathroom with a sink, a toilet, and shower. There was a rocking chair in the corner two side table with lamps and a digital clock and a makeup table with a mirror. He had a weird fetish for doing my makeup, hair, and clothing. Every thing in the room was white besides the books of course. I shivered.

Throughout my entire room there is not one window, throughout my entire life here not once have I been outside, and throughout my entire life here have I not once left this room. I had my books and my music, but I never once understood what was so scary about the world. 

I slide down to the floor leaning on my bed. I pulled my knees to my chest. The white old fashioned nightgown that went down to my ankles started to become wrinkled. I sighed I don't care about punishment any more.

I heard the door for my room unlock. My eyes widened in fear and I quickly stood up at the foot at my bed looking down at the ground. There was a shuffling and then the door locked again.

"Awww sweetie whats wrong?" Jim said carrying my tray of food. I felt shear terror and disgust when he spoke. I knew he wasn't my real father or care taker or whatever you want to call it. All I remember from before is blood, blood, and the smell of chloroform and then I was here. In other words I know I've been kidnapped, but play along for my saftey. With my parents gone, or dead no one can report me missing. I can't remember what daylight feels like or what the sky looked like.

He came closer to me and put my cheek into his hand and I had to refuse to gag and puke. He had slick back brown hair and a hitler mustache, his eyes were unaturally dark behind a pair of giant round tan colored glasses. 

I blinked at him and he smiled a big gross grin.

"I brought you food. I also made you another dress. It better fit because I spent all week making it." He said giving me a pointed look and I gulped. The last time he got my measurments wrong he beat me within an inch of my life.

He set the plate on my side table with a fork and a spoon. Soup, a slice or stale bread, a few sliced carrots, and some dried beef. Like always.

He walked over to my bathroom and grabbed the silver designed brush and pointed to the rocking chair in the corner of my room. I stood up and walked over to it and sat down. He brushed through my hair slowly. Taking all the tangles in my silver white hair out gently. No not blonde just white. It shined in any light. That, I think is the best part about being here. He made me dye it. I can't remember what color it was before.

We went through the daily routine. He brought food, did my hair, bathed and bathing to him means removing any type of body hair, arm hair, leg hair, or any other type of hair, bessids the hair below the belt. He claimed that my innocence couldn't be broken. He also, clothed me, and did my makeup. He took pictures then left for the day. 

I sighed a breath of relief when that lock clicked shut.

I ate the food and walked over to the full length mirror. I stared at my reflection hoping something would come from it. My freshly brushed hair parted to the side, a new white night dress, and my baby blue contacts. I shook my head and removed both contacts revealing my striking mutated blue,green, and gold eyes. A dark blue outlined the iris of my eye, then it was a light green that faded into a bright gold hazel that surrounded my pupil. I sighed and put my contacts back in making my eyes the light baby blue that he wanted them to be. 

I walked over to my bookshelf and pulled down a book with a red colored cover titled Grimms Fairy tales. I sighed. Originallity, honesty, scandalous ways of becoming the prince's bride. I loved it all. I strode over to my bed and laid down with my book. I turned to the ribbon marked page and began to read off where I had stopped last. A small smile grew on my face the further I read. I felt my eyes begining to become heavy. I glanced over at the clock and it read 9:32 pm. I sighed. 

I stood up to put the book back on the shelf. If anything was out of place he would kill me. I pulled the covers back and got into the clean bed. I laid my head on the pillow and blinked my eyes. I left one lamp on because I was just plain scared. I blinked once and felt my eyes getting heavier. I blinked again and felt them close slowly. I breathed in and felt the darkness coming over me starting in my legs and creeping up to my body into my head. I finally let go of the last bit of light. It fluttered away and I went to sleep like I have done and will do for the rest of my life. Maybe just maybe something will happen and I will get a good ending like in Grimm's Fairytales.


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