Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to nayeli_arellano for the beautiful cover she created for me and the support she shows for my works. Her book is called The Murders Mark and she is a kick ass kind of person. Check her out and show her the love ;)

Sophie's POV

"How did she even get out in the first place?" I mumbled following along like a little duckling to his car.

It was well into the day now and the sun was already over head. Carla, being the saint she is, brought me a change of clothes. I did not want to go home in a long hospital gown that showed off my butt from the back.

I crawled into the passenger seat of his car. He got into the driver's seat and pulled that strap across his chest. He looked over at me chuckled lowly at my confusion and pulled my strap and pushed it into the little clip thing.

He cranked the car and peeled off into traffic.

"I'm not entirely sure," He paused looking distressed. I felt like he wasn't telling me something, "We've been looking for her for a couple of days," 

I was shocked. How did she escape? I thought she was in prison. I saw her get taken away. A bubble of fear welled up in my chest. Could she have been stalking me? Just like Jim? 

I gulped down the lump that formed in my throat and clenched the skirt of my black dress.

He must have noticed my distress because he continued to say, "I've wasted no efforts in finding her, I had a guard outside your room 24/7," He reached over to take one of my hands, but they were clammy. I was too scared to pull it away, "There's no need to be afraid. I'll be sure to take care of her," He mumbled the last bit under his breath. It sent nervous chills down my spine.

The rest of the drive was fairly quite. Vince tried starting up conversations, but I only answered to questions. He got frustrated and just stopped talking all together. We drove deeper and deeper into the woods, until the trees grew so dense that the sunlight was almost completely blocked out by the canopy. The asphalt turned into a gravel road which then turned into a dirt road. He drove so slowly that I could have walked faster than the car. 

He pulled in front of a giant concrete building. With the thick trees and low lighting it was extremely ominous. A crow squawked somewhere in the dense canopy completing the creepy ambiance. 

I didn't realize how long I was staring. Vince got out and walked over to my side and opened my door for me. I blushed and fumbled to unclip my seat belt. 

We walked up to the building and the closer we got the larger it seemed. My steps faltered at the door.

"Um, Vince," My voice was quite. Fear was bubbling up in my chest.

"Yes?" He looked down at me with concern.

"I don't," I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat; my body was trying to force me to be quite, "want to go in," I finished weakly. 

He sighed. He looked at the front door then back at me. 

"Will you be alright waiting here then? I don't wanna force you inside," I nodded and gave him a smile, "Don't wander off, and please call if you need anything," He gave me a pointed look which made me cringe. I nodded again and he sighed satisfied with my answer. 

I sat on the front stoop, curled my legs to my chest, and rested my chin on my knees. It's been such an eventful week I don't even know how to describe it. Freedom is probably the sweetest part, but being hunted by a psychopath is the worst. 

I looked at my hands. I turned them over and traced the lines on my left. I seem human. I feel human, but I've been told I'm two completely different species. First there's Vince who says I'm a werewolf who's his mate. Then there is Aurox, a dream? A vision? An angel? Who says he's my brother and that I'm an angel that was pulled from heaven. I was freed then thrown into a completely different world. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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