Chapter 7

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Sophie's POV 

The ducks by the pond quacked incessantly at me to give them the bread I was holding. I giggled and tossed the remaining bits at them. I saw two baby ducklings wrestling over the same piece. I broke it up into two and hand fed them. They took it out of my hand without hesitance.

I straightened up and looked back at Vince who had his hands in his leather jacket pockets. His hair fell over both eyes and he smiled his brilliant smile at me. His green eyes held a certain happiness in them and I felt the happy feeling rise up in my chest making me giddy. 

The pond was quite large. Trees surrounded the edge along the pond. There was giant play set across the water and kids played merrily on it. We were on the secluded side. A couple of stone benches and tables were scattered everywhere. There was a willow tree close to the edge of the water.

The ducks made their way to the other side where the kids with lunch boxes sat. I guess they were going to try their luck over there. I turned and followed Vince to one of the benches and I sat down next to him. I always feel so small next to him.

"I don't even know where I should begin..." He said trailing off running one of his hands through his jet black hair, only for it to fall back down covering his eyes slightly.

"Well, i would assume the beginning is the best place to start." I said nudging him slightly. He huffed out a small laugh and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his side. I felt a blush rise up in my cheeks and i hesitantly leaned in closer to him.

He cleared his throat, "Well, there is really no beginning to a story like this. What do you want to know?" He said peering down at me with clear green eyes. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and thought about everything i'd seen, experienced in the time i've been outside. 

"How about the basics of being a werewolf. I think that would be helpful for me to know." I said with a small smile looking at him. His arm tightened slightly around my waist and he tensed. 

"Well, basically all werewolves shift at a certain age. Their wolf or their spirit inside them is just as strong as them. All werewolves have a mate..." I cut him off before he had the chance to continue.

"What are mates exactly?" I said looking up with a curious expression. He tore his eyes away from the water lapping at the shore and looked at me. His eyes softened and his vibrant green eyes swirled with gold. He rubbed small circles into my side rubbing out leftover bruises.

"Mates are, for a lack of a better words, two parts of the same soul. To a werewolf a mate is their destined partner. Their soul mate." He finished softly. 

"So... that means I have a mate." I stated looking up. He smiled and nodded.

"Who's your mate?"  His face dropped just a little bit.

"You still don't know? Haven't I told you quite a few times?" He asked prodding me to figure it out.

"So, I'm your mate?" I asked feeling the giddiness in my chest swirl into my head making me slightly lightheaded with euphoria. 

Vince nodded his head, smiling that glorious smile of his and I thought my heart burst. 

"So what am I supposed to do? I know that I'm technically free," Pain surged through my chest at the thought of rebellion, but every second I breathed the earth's air I was rebelling, and I hoped slowly my body would allow me the happiness of freedom, "but, now that I'm out. I'm not sure what to do with what i've been given." I sighed looking down at my hands. 

I felt exhaustion fall over my body. The last couple of days have been exhausting with me finally escaping and finding out that i'm a werewolf.

"Well," he straightened his back and a pained look crossed his face, but disappeared as fast as it came, "You can travel, see the world, or try new things you've never tried. There's endless possibilities." He finished with a small sigh. I peered up at his face and something behind his eyes were sad, and it tugged at something within my chest.

Anything in the world. I could do anything. A small smile played on my lips, but it was erased quickly when I looked at his face.

"So.... I could..." I trailed off feeling really embarrassed and a smirk grew on his face.

"You could what?" He prodded.

I shook my head, "Nothing, never mind." I hopped up as the little ducks came swimming back. Guess they didn't have as much luck as they had hopped.

I felt something grip my waist and I flew up into the air; panic rushed through me until I felt the little shocks I got when Vince touched me. I let out a small squeak as he threw me over his shoulder. 

My vision went black and I saw bright lights. It was only for a split second, but it felt like de ja vu. It felt like flying. My stomach flew and it felt wonderful. Then I came back and only a second had passed, but I felt a terrible sadness, but I pushed it aside. I'm free, I have my mate, and I am happy. There's nothing to be said about. Right?

"What were you gonna say?" He said smiling like a fool making me giggle even though the sadness was burning a hole through my chest.


"Tell me or i'll tickle you?" He said mischievously. I looked at him confused.

"What..." I couldn't even finish my question when a weird sensation went through my sides into my chest.

I squealed in laughter. I squirmed, but it was relentless.

"Stop!" I tried breathing it out, but I couldn't stop laughing. It was weird. It was torturous yet fun at the same time.

"Tell me!" He growled playfully sending shivers down my spine.

"I want to..." I breathed in and laughed more, "live with you." He stopped immediately and brought me down to stand in front of him. 

His smile was absolutely breath taking.

"Are you sure?" His face changed quickly from happy to full of pain and doubt.

"Why wouldn't I be ok with it? That's what you want right?" I asked a little confused and his face went back to a brilliant smile.

"Absolutely! I'd live any where with you." He chuckled picking me up and spinning me around. He sat me down on the ground and tried composing a serious  look on his face, but failed from how excited he was.

"But, is that what you want?" He asked smoothly his face oddly unreadable. I didn't understand the question. If he wanted me to stay i'll stay nothing more to it. If he wants me to go i'll go, but there is no where else in the world that would probably accept me so why not stay where I'm wanted. It's not up to me if I stay or not anyways.

Confused I nodded. He picked me up into a giant hug and did what he did when I asked him what love was. 

His lips brushed against mine slowly. Tingles shot through me and when he pulled away I smiled at his glowing green eyes. Finally for once I did something right. 

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