Marianna: I pulled up and Lena pulled up beside me. As we walked we obviously were late for the suprise but entering was like another suprise i mean damn all eyes on us right?
Ski: My cousin walked in and i could Not stop starin the women she had with her wss like an angel bruh i mean she was the real mvp.
Phoniex: My mouth just hung shawty i think took all our breaths away i mean dont get me wrong we knew Marianna could get good looking women but DAMN!!!!
They all started to aproach me, here we go with Q&A. My eyes searched the crowd and damn i wish the search to longer but low and behold there was camile wit some hood rat stearin at my prize wit her jaw dropped. We finally got away from every body and pulled her to a table and we sat.
Marianna: You satisfied you met this crazy ass family of mine.
Lena: Yes baby i am it made me feel like you cared and actually wanna be with me?
M: Me your the one that wont tell me what you want im mean sure we have a good time and all but.......
Lena: look i wanna be with you, you who makes me happy.
Marianna: Oh yea prove it
Lena: Prove it?
Camille: I seen M from my side view she was all i thought about since our shower incident how can i be in love with A stem or even like one but shes an amazing women and i am confused i never thought of her like this before.
Ski: Attn; Attention everybody Marrianna my baby and day one just proposed to this gorgeous beautiful creature Lena give them a round of applause.
Camile: My heart sank to my stomach marriage we didnt even know her relationship was serious till today how she gonna offer herself in marraige? My mind was racing a mile a minute i felt my cheeks becoming red i.....i....
Phoenix: Skiiiiiiiiiii shes hyperventilating i heard a very paniked phoenix say.
As they told me to breath in the bag and i was done embarrassing the shit out of myself i calmy got up and left i mean shit i do believe if you were in that predictiment you would have too.
Marrianna: What just happened? And why did she leave this is soooooo confusing. I thought i was gonna have to face her and now im watching her walk away the preassure.
Love Conquers All
Kısa HikayeI mean what can i say i gotta thing for the ladiez i like them all colors shapes and sizes. This book here is intended for a mature audience lesbian fiction Novel Enjoy.