[ 9 ] 2014

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[ 9 ] 2014


"Oh God. Please guys, I'm feeling the second hand embarrassment."


The next morning Harley Quinn was woken up by her parents barging into her bedroom unannounced, with embarrassingly loud children's birthday music and a big birthday cake just for her. It was the celebration of her seventeenth birthday too, after all. Harley was laying faced down in her bed, with the covers wrapped around her body for warmth. She had gone to sleep the night before, cuddled up with Ashton, but he left before her parents went to her room. He didn't want her getting in any trouble with her mother who could actually see him. 

She was startled awake by their yelling, as well as the birthday music practically blaring into her ears from an old black boombox Cindy was holding up over her head. It was the happy-yet-creepy voice of a clown who sang children's music, and he had been her favorite growing up. Sprinkles was his name, and according to his background story, he had been a dentist who started painting his face so that the children wouldn't be afraid of him as he worked on their teeth. Now the memories of her actually liking the ridiculous music were rather embarrassing to her because her parents made it a point to play her favorite birthday song from when she was five years old every single year without fail. Her parents were rather modern people, they were younger than most when they had Billy and Harley. But they were as embarrassing as some old fashion parents when it came to birthdays.

As her parents, and Cindy Hemmings, yelled "Happy Birthday!" at her from the top of their lungs, she stirred in her bed a little too roughly and ended up falling to the floor with a thud. Her blanket fell right along with her, covering her from sight.

Her dad quickly set the cake down on her bed and went to help her up, while Cindy and Harleen just watched her with worry.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Aaron asked his daughter. He had been the one to pull the blanket off her and grabbed her by the arm steadily to help her up. 

She nodded her head, with still sleepy, half closed blue eyes. "Yeah, dad. Thanks."

One would have thought that Harley Quinn would be used to this sort of wake up call on the twenty fifth of January by now. But she wasn't, and there were accidents like these almost every year.

"Oh!" Cindy rushed to her after placing the boombox down on the ground and pulled her in for a tight hug. "Happy birthday Harley! You're one step closer to becoming an adult. Luke wanted so badly to be here, but I warned him I'd pull his lip ring out if he did. He sends his love and best wishes though." The blonde explained, rubbing Harley's back in her tight hug that didn't allow the other to breathe. Harley couldn't understand how Cindy Hemmings could be sweet and scary at the same time.

"Thanks Cindy." Harley managed to get out with the limited air she was getting into her lungs.

When Harley recovered from her early morning scare, Harleen asked Aaron to leave Harley's cake on the dining room table, and get Billy's. They were going to do the same to him now and Cindy would be there to watch.

Waking up Billy was a better experience than the one Harley had. He was definitely used to his parents doing that on his birthday. They barged into his room where he was sleeping soundly, the same way they had done with Harley, and yelled "Happy Birthday!" to him as well. Billy took it rather well. For one, he didn't fall out of his bed. And for another, he seemed genuinely happy and thankful that his family was doing this for him.

Harley almost felt bad for not being thankful enough.

But she wasn't much of a party person. And she also had other things to do that day that were more important, and she couldn't let her parents know about it.

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